Callisto Geographic Location in Sol System | World Anvil
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Callisto is the third Galilean moon of Jupiter and has the smoothest surface of any object in the solar system. It is a member of the Jovian Moon Federation (JMF) and third Jovian object to be colonized by humanity in 2692.




Callisto is a member moon of the Jovian Moon Federation. A governmental body that oversees and administrates the inhabited and strategic moons of Jupiter's orbital system.



Callisto, like all JMF moons has its own local government that oversees the moon and makes laws subject to the population as long as those laws are within the scope of federal laws.It consists of an Executive Office headed by a Governor, and a State Council presided over by a Vice-Governor. The jurisdiction of these governments is the inhabited and developed areas of the moon as well as the low-orbit space above the surface.   The Callistinean Council consists of 14 representatives voted in with terms lasting 7 standard years.


City Districts

Cities on Callisto are modeled after old Martian cities that are built both on the surface and into the bedrock beneath. Each city area is a collection of partially buiried domes that are connected under the crust by labrinths of connnected habitats and chambers that descend deeper and deeper under the surface. For every one person in a dome, theres ample room for more than 800 underground. While newer cities have been built into craters of mountain ranges, the first four were built into the moon's long dead volcanos.

List of District Cities
Name Founded Governor/Leader Population
Asgard's Hold 2692 Rebecca Ann-Froy 8,432,459
Valhalla 2718 Kevin VanHausen 6,776,699
Lofn 2734 Amir Rudolf-Bostiken 5,471,756
Adlinda 2747 Hudson Landkammer 6,622,782
Freya Caverns 2760 David Astikar 5,643,556
Ymir 2785 Wesley Dan-Ousten 4,396,110

Summary Information

JMF Federated State
Asgard's Hold
Leader Title
Current Leader
Pyotr Sray
Estimated Population
37.3 million
Planetoid / Moon


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