Building-Goo Material in Slimea Multiverse | World Anvil


Idea and Written by Drackzahn
Building goo is a modern material for all kinds of buildings and even furniture and devices. The Goocaves of Slimea is fully made out of the material and most modern structures in the Federation of Slimea, especially in the Queendom of Slimea are constructed with building goo. The material is extremely adaptable and formable. It can be as solid as rocks or as liquid as water, able to carry huge weights, and even able to transfer electricity. Many people on Earth call it the "Marry-Sue-Material" of the Googirl.

The base behind it is simple. Building goo is a biological, half-alive building material that can be adapted to nearly any requirement. Googirls are able to produce it and give it any wished property as long as they have the experience and the skill for it. Depending on its usage and the requirement, building goo is either nearly dead and requires only little maintenance, or is half-alive and requires nutrition and heavy maintenance by googirls.


Material Characteristics

Building goo is a smooth material that can be adapted to most requirements. Generally, it looks colorful and reminds of a hard gel-like surface reflecting light to a mild extent. It is smooth and solid, often warm and flexible when touching it. Depending on its usage, it can be in a totally rigid solid state, a watery liquid state, or anything in between. While in a liquid state, it reminds of a colorful gel in look and feels. It has a pleasant warmth and feels like jelly when touched.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Depending on the usage, building goo can have very varying properties and functions. There are some general attributes that most often are shared, described under physical characteristics. The most common usages for building goo can be named and given a general description for their properties. Besides the named ones, there are many more special ones.  

Solid Functionless Goo

Building goo that is used for exterior surfaces of buildings or for primary structures. It is very hard and can be compared to ferroconcrete in many of its properties. The surface is rougher than normal building goo but still way smoother than most rocks or wood surfaces. It is cold and isolates temperatures very well, transferring nearly no warmth. The usage commands that it must be able to carry heavy weights and it was designed as the base building material for modern structures. It requires nearly no maintenance and no nutrition access.  

Solid Interior Goo

The interiors of modern buildings are often lined with solid interior goo. It is designed to be pleasant to touch, emitting a pleasant warmth, while being smooth but not slippery. It is formable and highly complex in its structure, able to receive commands and reform itself to simple furniture, doors or even split a room with a nearly formed wall. The extra mass is taken from reservoirs of reserve goo that are often built into the buildings. The surface is hard enough to work as the ground, walls, and ceiling, but can quickly adapt if it receives a heavy impact. This is especially useful when a person falls down or lets something fall, as the interior goo can quickly melt itself and soften the impact heavily, often resulting in nearly no damage to the surface and the person/item. This makes it also near impossible to destroy it with pickaxes or similar tools. The complex structure requires low maintenance but medium access to nutrition.  

Device Function Goo

The most special form and the most commonly called "magic goo" is the device function goo. It is used to form simple up to complex electric devices and digital surfaces. Most machines in modern buildings that were built with building goo are made mostly out of this special form of goo. It is highly adaptable and can form very complex structures that resemble microchips. The goo can emit colors, usage in screens, and give signals to the user, but also able to transfer electricity. One of the most wonderful properties of this goo is that it works as a biological computer, able to process commands and calculate results. The famous Gooputer, a combination of goo and computer, is commonly made out of this goo and is able to fully operate as a general computer with high performance. Device Function Goo is also commonly built into walls of the solid interior goo to show information screens and allow a user to access their information or seek help or give commands at any place in the building. The high complexity of this building goo causes a solid amount of maintenance requirements and access to nutrition sources for the living material. Device Function Goo is the "most alive" of the building goo and it was used to create the AI Sagi.  

Transport Goo

Transport for items, materials, nutrition, and even people is a very common job that is in high demand for any civilization. The transport goo was designed for exactly this purpose. It is highly liquid and is built into nearly all buildings made out of building goo. The size of these transport lines often called goo rivers, varies, depending on the requirements and what is transported. Most walls have little lines of goo rivers built into them to transport reserve goo and nutrition to the different layers of building goo. They can be compared to the blood veins in the human body and they are a must-have for any complex building or structure that was made out of building goo. The Goocave Transport System is fully made out of transport goo.  

Reserve Goo

All structures and buildings of building goo have small or bigger reservoirs of reserve goo installed. This rather simple goo is the basic material with no special properties. It is liquid and colorless, comparable to water. It requires nearly no nutrition and can be stored without use for long durations. When demand for a certain type of building goo appears and can't be fulfilled with the existing goo, then reserve goo is transported via the goo rivers to the required location. During the transport, the reserve goo will be changed to the required goo type. This change requires a high amount of nutrition. Reserve Goo can be changed into any other type of building goo and all other types of build goo can be reduced to reserve goo. It is the most basic form and is often seen as the foundation of the building goo.


Building goo is a biological, nearly alive material that is produced by Googirls. To produce building goo, some kind of biological source material is required to be converted to building goo. At the beginning of the Queendom of Slimea, leaves and wood were often used as the foundation. In modern Slimea, waste products are used more commonly to create building goo for new structures and buildings. The most common sources of biological matter are excretions of animals and the population, other biological fluids with no left usage, carcasses, and all kinds of waste products from wood till leaves that are not required for compost.

Origin & Source

There are only one species that can change biological matter into building goo and this species is the Googirl. They are the sole origin and the only ones able to form building goo and give them the special properties that are required.

Life & Expiration

Depending on the building goo type, there are different requirements for nutrition and maintenance that must be done by Googirls. If the building goo receives not have enough nutrition, then it will slowly starve. This can be seen by it losing its formability and slowly crumbling into a semi-liquid waste product. This waste product can be reused to create new building goo. As long as building goo receives nutrition and maintenance, it has no expiration.

History & Usage


The very first, simple building goo was produced at the end of 2017 by the first Googirls before the foundation of the Queendom of Slimea. It was produced to form the first sections of the Goocaves of Slimea as a hideout for the new species. The source materials were leaves and wood found in the forest of the northern part of the central island of Neueisen.
After the early months, building goo was more and more defined and discoveries made. In 2018, the first simple electric devices were made out of building goo, like a TV. The goocaves were growing and with the size came new requirements to keep the structure alive and well-maintained. New forms of transport were also soon required and in 2019, the first goo rivers were installed to transport nutrition and materials through the caves.
While the properties of the building goo were getting more and more commonly known, the interest in the material grew. In 2018, the first old buildings got reinforcements with building goo layers to upgrade the buildings to new modern Slimean standards of living. As more and more people began living inside the Goocaves, the access to the benefits of the new material grew as well. Till 2020, nearly all old buildings got access in at least one room to the building goo installations, like access to the network and the information and item storage systems of the Goocaves of Slimea or access to the Goocave Transport System.

Interest in the near-magical material grew quickly in other nations. At first, the mistrust towards the Googirls prevent the spread of the new material, but as more and more nations formed contracts with the Queendom of Slimea, access to googirls grew with it and trust formed. In 2021, the first small goocaves were installed in cities like New York, Peking, and Berlin and with the new installations, the population got access to the material. Today, many crews of googirls travel the world to build with building goo or to maintain older constructs of the material around Earth.


The building goo was discovered by the googirl queen Suchiru Eisenstein in Neueisen. While Suchiru may be the very first googirl to create simple building goo, it was two other googirls who truly developed its usages. While Lara Gottfels was the main construction googirl and developed the interior and exterior building goo, the googirl Anni Weidenzaun developed the device building goo.

Everyday use

It holds a great important role in the daily lives of many citizens around the world. Especially in the nations of the Federation of Slimea and friendly nations, it is spread widely. Buildings and many devices as well as the transport of many nations and cities are made with building goo. Outside of the Federation of Slimea, you can find and use the goo mostly in befriended nations of the Queendom of Slimea and their cities.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Building goo is directly connected to the Googirl species and their nation of the Queendom of Slimea. The queen Suchiru Eisenstein uses access to the material in diplomatic negotiations, as her googirls hold a true monopoly on this important construction material. Many around the world connected the building goo directly to the googirls of Slimea and they are often named together in many discussions and articles. Depending on the nation, the cultural value is highly different. In nations of the Federation of Slimea, as well as some friendly nations that received access, the building goo is a normal construction material that improves the lives of many people. Nations that are less friendly with Slimea see the material as an unfair monopoly and extortion of the googirls towards their people and their modern needs for modern materials.


You can eat building goo without negative side effects

Environmental Impact

Building Goo is a slightly fruity material that is harmless to the environment. . As all big constructions create environmental effects of changing an area, the same goes for constructions with building goo.

Reusability & Recycling

Building goo is fully reusable and recyclable by Googirls. As the production of building goo requires only organic matter and energy and combined with the fact that building goo is organic matter, you can make building goo out of old building goo.


Trade & Market

Building goo is not something you can buy on a general or special market. You require construction Googirls who can produce the material, can melt it into form, and install and maintain it. Without googirls, building goo is worthless. To gain access, a nation must have a positive relationship with the Queendom of Slimea, as they hold the monopoly. After gaining access, you need to negotiate with the queendom about projects. Each construction and its maintenance is its own negotiation. It is not uncommon that money is only a side note in these negotiations, as the queendom uses its monopoly to gain political soft power or access to other markets or free travel for its non-human citizens in other nations.


Building goo is never transported over far distances but produced at the required location by Googirls out of biological materials. Inside bigger structures or more dynamic structures of building goo, there are tanks of Reserve goo that are used for many tasks.

Law & Regulation

The material is in complete control of the Googirl species of the Queendom of Slimea and their queen. Each project that is constructed and maintained with building goo is organized and negotiated with the queendom. Inside the federation territory, they use it often and regularly, while outside, each project requires the permission of both sides. Most of these outside projects require long negotiations of the nation with the queendom of Slimea to gain access and the required googirls to maintain the structure.
There are no general laws and regulations for the material due to the monopoly.
Low Value while access is allowed
Very common in nations with googirls
Very mild, fruity taste
variable, often colorful
Common State
Solid and Liquid
Related Locations
Related Species
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Goocaves of Slimea
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Item | Nov 18, 2022
Character | Nov 17, 2022
Queendom of Slimea
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Cover image: by Drackzahn


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