Artificial-Species in Slimea Multiverse | World Anvil


Idea and Written by Drackzahn

Artificial Species are species that have not formed out of evolution but were created by the will of others. This artificial creation may be done willingly or unwillingly. Species that have formed out of evolution, even if they have been accelerated due to heavy mutations by the Pink Mist are generally not called artificial. There are different major groups of artificial species that are known and certain timeframes of history where many new species emerged due to the creation of new technology.  

Slimean DNA Exploration

During the years 2017 to 2021, many new species were artificially created in the Slimean Lands on Earth. It all began with the accidental transformation of Suchiru Eisenstein into the first Googirl. This new, naturally mutated, species allowed them to explore and restructure DNA to the extent that was unknown on Earth. In just some years, many new species were created for certain tasks or for certain tastes. As the creation of these new species accelerated more and more, the governments of the Federation of Slimea, who had the major control over this new technology, declared a moratorium for the artificial mutation of DNA with the goal of creating new species. The goal was and is to categorize the new species first and let them become part of the culture of Earth before DNA experiments get out of control. While most government members approve of this decision, some elements in the research departments and the free researchers are opposing this ban. The most famous opposition member is Naomi Yuki, who had to stop most of her experiments. The created species of this time can generally be categorized into two groups.  


Species that were created with a clear goal in mind or clear tasks they had to fulfill, are called Target Based Artificial species. Most of them were the results of experiments by the government of the Queendom of Slimea. The very first of these was the Urban-Elves, who was created as the new evolution step for Humans, but later found their usage as agents for the Hidden Eyes agency. Dragongirls and Icewolfes were created with clear security and military goals in mind. They were meant to be soldiers right from the start and most members of these species are in one way or another directly linked to the government. All these species created by the government directly have the Loyalty Gene in them to ensure that they do not harm society with their new abilities. The googirl species Googirl, Goocat and Goowolf are not artificially categorized, as they were not willingly created by others, but formed out of the deep wish of their first ones.   During the same time, a very different artificial species was created: Balloon Foxes. At first, their creator, Larissa Mueller, had them in mind as slaves of her godly will, but over time they developed to the prime Hunters of Slimea and are only softly linked with the Church of Larissa.  


Differently from the target-based species, the beauty-based ones were wished by many in society as their dream bodies. The dream to become something more than just a human is a very old wish in human culture and could finally be fulfilled with the new possibilities of DNA manipulation. Many call these species generally "Demi-Humans" or "Sub-Humans", while others call them "Animal-Humans" due to the simple fact that nearly all of them are a fusion of human DNA with animal DNA while staying closer to normal humans. There are many of these species created for beauty during these times, so the following list is not complete but names some of the most famous ones: Cat-Human, Sheep-Human, Wolf-Human, Fox-Human and Mermaid.  

Golem Species

Since the great disturbance of the Soulrealm after the War in Heaven, which resulted into the creation of the Pink Mist, souls could be used to create artificial life that was not born naturally. We call these species and people generally Golems. While there exists many concepts of them and many names depending on the cultures, they can be found everywhere in the multiverse. Not all golems and golem species can be seen as artificial life. Golems that were created naturally by a lost soul finding an attachment without the influence of others may be seen as a natural occurrence and therefore not artificial. An example of that may be some individuals of Rubber Genies. As golems are often created individually, it may be that certain members of a golem species are artificial, while others are not. This also includes all kinds of necromantic creations, as these can be categorized as golems that were created artificially.


  • The restriction on the creation of new life in Slimea is simply based on the fact that modern Slimea includes the Queendoms from Goldie. Due to the new, wider focus, we do not require too many new species on earth and can let them have developed naturally on Bardor, the Queendoms, or other places on Earth and the universe.
  • The ideas for most of these species are based on popular demi-humans of fantasy, anime, and the cultures of the internet.
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