Barbed Devil Species in sirolynia | World Anvil
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Barbed Devil

Barbed Devils, are sinister inhabitants of The nine hells , embodying the essence of agony and suffering. These infernal beings are notorious for their spiky forms, sadistic nature, and unwavering allegiance to the Archdevil .   Standing at approximately seven feet tall, Barbed Devils sport a body adorned with innumerable razor-sharp spikes. These spikes serve both as armor and weapons, rendering them formidable in battle. Their crimson skin and piercing eyes contribute to their menacing presence. Long, bony tails tipped with wicked barbs extend from their forms, providing them with deadly ranged capabilities.   Barbed Devils are innately cruel and sadistic. They derive pleasure from causing anguish to souls condemned to the Nine Hells. Among their favored methods is the use of their spiked tails to flay and impale the damned, prolonging their torment for eternity. This cruel streak aligns seamlessly with the infernal realm's principles of pain and suffering.
Fiend ; Devil
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
About 2.3 meters
Geographic Distribution


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