Uncle Itoq

Uncle Itoq is one of the few Inmali who have broken their cultural taboo and ventured out of Inmalenor. He is also one of the extremely few Inmali with no facial tattoos. This makes him stick out like a sore thumb in the streets of Sakastro.

Uncle Itoq doesn't seem to care one bit about this fact.

Itoq's Kitchen

Vanya might have the final say in the rest of the tavern. Uncle Itoq has final say in the kitchen.

— Uncle Itoq

If you want to find Uncle Itoq, for any reason you might have, your best bet is to visit the Soggy Shoe, a tavern by the docks in Sakastro. He will most likely be in the kitchen, doing what the other staff of the tavern calls "Itoq things." Whatever you do, don't waltz straight into the kitchen. That might end up in flying kitchen utensils flying towards your head accompanied by a long and detailed introduction to Inmali swear words. It's better to ask one of the other staff to get him for you.

The kitchen of the Soggy Shoe is Itoq's domain. Nothing goes on there without Itoq knowing about it, and nothing goes on there for very long without Itoq's permission. He's the sole cook of the establishment, and some people wonder if he actually lives in the kitchen by how much of his day he spends there. Sometimes you look at how many customers the Soggy Shoe gets during the busiest times and wonder how anyone could make all that food on their own, but if you ask Itoq he'll just say that it's faster if he does it himself.

Something in the matter-of-fact way he states this will make you believe that he's right.

Itoq and Words

Uncle Itoq is a man of few words, only speaking if directly asked something (at least most of the time) or if he needs to communicate something that wouldn't be clear by either making you food or throwing something at you.

Itoq has a heavy Inmali accent when he speaks, and doesn't use pronouns if he can avoid it, except of "you". This probably sounds pretty normal in Inmali, but when speaking in Kuprian it does strike you as rather odd. But despite having been in Sakastro for several decades his accent is just as thick and his speech pattern just as odd as it was two years after getting here, so everyone doubt he'll ever change it.

You're not sure, but you guess about a century, give or take
Current Residence
Ice blue
Always bald, not gonna be blamed for the hairs in your soup
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Inmali pale
171 cm

Why is Uncle Itoq not in Inmalenor?

To tell you the truth, nobody but Itoq seems to know, and Itoq doesn't seem too keen to talk about it.

And with "doesn't seem too keen" I mean "will throw things at you to make you shut up if you ask."

Why "Uncle" Itoq?

Itoq refers to himself as Uncle Itoq to most people, especially the rest of the staff working at the Soggy Shoe. Although he's not their real uncle, the name stuck.

Cover image: by Milladamen


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