Shadows' Nocturne Discussion Boards

Welcome and Information

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:19
Here you are encouraged to stop in and say hello. We'll also be updating our release calendar and keeping active updates on our various platforms and projects.
Shadows' Nocturne Discussion Boards

The Shattered Hourglass

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:35
Here you will find our general and out of world chat.
General Chat
Welcome and Introductions
NSFW (18+ ONLY please)
Shadows' Nocturne Discussion Boards

The World of Shadows' Nocturne

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:40
This is for anything pertaining to IN world and IN character content that is publicly published here or on one of our other official platforms. This is for discussion about particular works, characters, or projects.
Mortal Consequences
Shadows' Nocturne Discussion Boards

The Space Between

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:43
Here you are welcome and encouraged to Role Play within the world of Shadows' Nocturne. Please see the rules thread, but know that each RP may have its own as outlined by the original poster. Read their opening post with care and consideration before posting.

Shadows' Nocturne Official

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:46
Role Playing that takes place within the established and published cannon of the world of Shadows' Nocturne.

The Fractured Mirror

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:50
A place for any and all Role Playing that takes place -outside- of the world of Shadows' Nocturne. This can be fantasy, sci-fi, or fan.

The Unquiet Night

Tue, Oct 12th 2021 01:51
This is for 18+ role playing and content warnings and consent asks must be clearly stated in the opening threads.