Osberger Law-Enforcement Systems Organization in Shadowrun: Spirits of Raleigh | World Anvil
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Osberger Law-Enforcement Systems

Written by: Ursa-Minor

  Despite the growing need for law-enforcement in the sixth world, the number of corporations that specialise in equipment for law-enforcement groups is surprisingly lean, owing to its occupation of an awkward middle-ground between civilian and military needs. Many manufacturers consider it a secondary demographic at best, and most law-enforcement groups make do with a mixture of military hand-me-downs and repurposed civilian weapons and equipment.   Osberger LES is one of the exceptions to this trend, a manufacturing company that primarily sells to law-enforcement and the more public echelons of megacorporate security. Their most popular goods primarily consist of licensed firearm copies rebuilt from the ground up to suit the needs of police-use, but they also research and produce many purpose-built pieces of equipment such as ballistic vests, restraints, drones and less-than-lethal weaponry, with Osberger himself personally overseeing the projects he assigns to his hand-picked 'design-bureau' of engineers and gunsmiths.
That's the theory at least. In practice, the Design Bureau is absolutely rife with nepotism and playing favourites with pet-projects.
— Anonymous poster
They also make it unspoken policy to coach their customers in how to-- sorry, how not to use non-lethal munitions to lethal effect, so as to avoid any tragic accidents...
— SoCo
Something of note: Osberger has garnered a reputation in the shadows for its complete lack of tolerance for criminal activity, whether it originates from inside the company or without. Shadowrunners are shoot-on-sight.

Public Agenda

Osberger's primary business is in the manufacturing and selling of arms and equipment designed for law-enforcement and corporate security use, ranging from personal equipment and clothing to drones and firearms.


The corporation's assets are surprisingly strong for a corporation of its size, posessing numerous factories and warehouses within Raleigh's industrial districts, with their offices in the city's commercial center acting as an organising nexus. Distribution is handled in-house, while security is provided via an ongoing contract with Dragoon Tactical Investments Ltd.


Even among our more reputable investigators and data-gatherers, the true origins of the company's founder and chief-engineer Noah Osberger and the fortune he started his company with remains a mystery, baring only unsubstantiated rumors of fleeing some manner of scandal from his homeland of Austria.   Whatever the case, Mr. Osberger arrived to Raleigh with the funding and personal clout already present to start his own company, purchasing a small manufacturing facility at a claimed 'bargain' price and began producing accessories for LEO vests and vehicles of his own custom design, finding a decent market by producing items of palatable quality where most corps produce the same items as an afterthought or purchase in bulk from so-called Original Design Manufacturers, that sell the same components to other companies for them to in tern re-brand and sell themselves.   Business rapidly increased over the years, and the company began to expand its product-line as Osberger began inviting more engineers into his personal 'design bureau', bringing in experts in fields such as advanced polymers and complex electronics-designing.
Contrary to the rumors, these weren't the result of shadowrunner-assisted extraction: Guy just straight-up threw enough money at them to convince them to change ship. More money than a company of that size should permit him to have...
— Tahoma
In 2074, the company suffered a substantial loss when an 'unknown group of assailants' attacked one of their manufacturing facilities, making off with a substantial number of newly-made firearms and crippling several key machines inside the facility. The damage to the company's reputation was exacerbated by Osberger's reaction to the incident, having been recorded demanding that an open-bounty was to be put on the aggressors and a cash-reward handed out to whoever could provide information on the whereabouts of the stolen firearms.
Shocking twist, it was a Shadowrun from someone who wanted to smother the new corp in its sleep. Still, pretty funny watching a dwarf intern restrain a 300lb businessman...
— Redhat
Fortunately for the corporation, the losses ensued by the incident and the resulting damage to their reputation was mitigated when one of the local security corporations, Dragoon Tactical Investments, signed up to an ongoing contract for procurement of arms and equipment in exchange for Osberger signing them on as their primary security-contractors, with the board-member overseeing the deal allegedly saying that it was Osberger's outburst that convinced them to form a partnership in the first place.

"To Defend & Provide"

World Headquarters
Raleigh, North Carolina (CAS)
Noah Osberger

Mutual Ongoing-Contracts

Osberger and Dragoon have agreed to a mutual deal of providing oneanother with discounted/preferential services, with Osberger LES providing Dragoons with marked-down wares and early access to new developments in exchange for Dragoon discounting the price of their ongoing security contract and priority HTR response-times.



My Red Hot Car

Sender: Barkeep
Subject Keywords: Osberger
Recipients: Shadowrunners = ListingEnabled
Job Type: Destruction

Osberger's just finished a production-order for a dozen heavy-armor kits, special-made to turn some old milsurp trucks into budget APCs with fancy multi-layered panelling and anti-IED structures, that sort of stuff. The trucks themselves are waiting in a parking lot outside one the facility, waiting for some underpaid interns to tack on the new kits and drive them over to their final destination in Raleigh. Mr Johnson is here on behalf of an anonymous donor with a vested interest in making that investment a wasted effort, and he's supplied a crate of thermite for you to make it happen. Break into the compound, set the thermite charges on the hood of the old trucks and make the bespoke armor-plating a wasted investment.


Mãe Dois

Sender: Barkeep
Subject Keywords: Osberger, Kathie San Juan, Yung Xiaodan
Recipients: Shadowrunners = ListingEnabled
Job Type: Sabotage

Osberger might be staying true to their no-tolerance policy for shadowrunners, but that doesn't exclude the occasional manager taking things into his own hands and going above his head. Dr. Kathie San Juan is one of the newer additions to the design-bureau, and is claiming to represent a silent majority of such that are growing increasingly frustrated with one of her peers, one Yung Xiaodan, using their seniority and connections to sandbag any innovations they don't personally approve of. Intending to humble the old man, she's tasked Mr. Johnson with finding a discreet third-party to sabotage the demonstration of his pet-project, an upscaled and electronically-augmented redesign of a pre-awakening heavy machinegun. Understandably, payment will only be distributed if the sabotage is made to look like it was a design-issue, rather than vandalism.


Glut the Soul with Vengeance

Sender: Barkeep
Subject Keywords: Osberger, Landslide, Norman Osberger, Matilda
Recipients: Shadowrunners = ListingEnabled
Job Type: Theft

Glasses were raised in memoriam to Landslide, a Shadowrunner who was shot dead by on-site staff in the fallout of a botched datasteal in Osberger's corporate-headquarters. Usually, the death of a runner on the job is taken in stride as an understood occupational hazard, especially when many consider the alternative of capture and imprisonment to be worse, except for one snag: Landslide's beloved 'Matilda', a heavily customised Colt M23, was recovered from the site of his death and now hangs in the office of the big man himself, Noah Osberger, behind a layer of reinforced glass as a macabre trophy. In respect to their fallen comrade, his surviving peers have chipped into a bounty-pool to be rewarded to whoever can reclaim Matilda from the heavily guarded heart of Osberger's HQ.


Articles under Osberger Law-Enforcement Systems


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