Shadow stepper and king -story world The Great War

The Great War



The Great War caused the once unified people to split to the three different countries.

The answer to the question who started the Great War and why depends on to whom you ask the questions.

  • If the person is from Land of the Ruler, the answer is that shadow steppers started the war, because their special powers made them imperious and they tried to overthrow the ruler.
  • If the person is shadow stepper or their subject, the answer is that the war started, because the ruler felt his power were threatened by the special powers of shadow steppers and started war to get rid of them.
  • If the person is from Land of the People, the answer is that the war started, when the brave people got enough of the tyranny and started to rebel.
One thing that everybody agrees on is that it was the Great War that resulted the split of the people to three countries and to the gods decision to retreat from their active role of helping people to the wilderness.