Oathbreaker Brotherhood in Shadar | World Anvil

Oathbreaker Brotherhood

Called the “Oathbreaker Bandits” by most, this gang of outlaws has become the scourge of the South and has expanded their reach across much of the Southern coast of the Chapel Mire and Fogcatcher Crags. Identified by the green bandanas and sashes they wear, these bandits were all once knights and soldiers - now deserters of the Imperial Army. Having fled to the furthest reaches of the Valedori Empire beyond the attention of the throne, this group is not only heavily armed and armored, but quite skilled in combat compared to the local settlements - leaving only the Devilblood Companies able to contest them here.   While you can take the soldier out of the army, you can’t take the army out of the soldier - and that has proven to be another advantage of this group, as they follow a chain of command more strict than most other bandit gangs. There is also a mysterious leader of this group, who is feared by even some of the members of the brotherhood itself - only referred to as “Green Eyes”. This leader is believed to be responsible for the growth of this gang and the drive to expand over more territory in the Southmark.   In fact, they have grown substantially in the past decade - once a ragtag group of deserters and survivors, they now have become a major threat to Old Chapel and have even been found in small numbers in the Hazelwood Dim. Stories from Reina's Landing even say that they have lost a handful of Skyships in the Fogcatcher Crags, claiming that the gang now has the ability to wage battle in the sky.

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk