Dragonborn in Shadar | World Anvil


Long mired in a controversial history from The Breaking, Dragonborn have risen above - and through sheer determination and grit, now count themselves among the leading races in the known world. While more scarce than other races, their presence is felt larger than their numbers. Much of this is due to their reputation as noble and formidable warriors, and nowhere is this more true than in the Valedori Empire where the Dragoon Knights are celebrated as close to Saints as a modern-day mortal might be able to be.   However, this immense charge Dragonborn put upon themselves leads some to crack beneath the weight or reject the responsibility, leading down dark paths that bring some closer to their Dragon ancestors.  


The draconic features of Dragonborn are prominent, from clawed hands and feet to their lizard-like maws and sharp teeth. Similarly to Devilbloods, they also have large horns - however these sprout just over the eyes and are often much straighter and more angled than fiendish horns.   The most prominent feature of Dragonborn is their scales, which span all manner of chromatic and metallic shades. The colors are a relic of their specific draconic lineage, the meaning of which has long been pushed to the past. These scales grant Dragonborn a resilience that is a thing of legend, making them naturally resistant to damage. It is this trait alone that led to the creation of Dragoons and leads most towards becoming Fighters and Paladins.  


The Spellplague marks history and weighs on the mind of many Dragonborn like a poorly-healed scar. After Dragons attacked the mortal peoples of the world and dragonfire burned through the blood of every spellcaster alive, Dragonborn were seen as extensions or dark mirrors of their ancestors throughout the Age of Darkness. Centuries of ostracization from Haven cities and society as a whole. To this day, Dragonborn are still excluded from the Holy Kingdom of Shar for their supposed role in the death of Shar.   This was not taken idly by Dragonborn, however. They took it upon themselves to earn the trust and respect of the peoples of Shadar again. None represent this better than Damascus Ray, the first Knight of the Valedori Empire and right hand of King Caspian Valero. A controversial appointment by the King in his time, Damascus Ray had the trust of the King and kept his safety through the War of Thorns. Damascus established the Order of Dragoons, a knightly order in service of the king made entirely of Dragonborn warriors, which is widely credited for the death of many Vampire Lords and ending the war.   After the war, the Dragoons became the main expansionary force of the Empire and a powerhouse of the Imperial Army - a critical tool in the cleansing and expansion of Imperial Fractals. And the legacy of Damascus Ray lives on as a paragon of the Dragonborn ideals, something for all to aspire to.  


To be a young Dragonborn is to be pressured into a life of martial service and patriotism. It has been ingrained into the Dragonborn identity as a responsibility they have to the world, and is taught by parents to their children at a very young age. Because of this, most Dragonborn are found within the service of the Valedori Empire and its interests across the Imperial Fractals and the Nimbus Sea. The paramount of this is Heavenlance Keep, the base of operations for the Dragoons and the strongest force able to clean fractals of Hollow presence - a vital service in today’s world.   However, some reject this imposed sense of duty, choosing instead to embrace their draconic ancestry. Following the stories of Dragon Cults across the Nimbus Sea seeking a region called The Narrows in pursuit of coming face to face with their progenitor.
by Tomasz Chistowski
Common Regions: Imperial Fractals
Region Exclusions: Kingdom of Shar (Mistrusted)
Average Lifespan: 90
Average Height: 6-7
Languages: Draconic, Common
Naming Examples: Salazar, Torrente, Valdez, Soraya, Mirayal, Zamora

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk