Hollow in Shadar | World Anvil


When most who are not Shadar-Kai speak of the Hollow, they are usually referring to the effects of the Shadeweave on the dead and the creation of the husk-like creatures of the Undead or the immortal lords of unlife, Vampires. While the effects are connected, and common language equates the two, the Hollow is something much deeper and more complex that is a unique experience for Shadar-Kai.   The Hollow is often viewed as a curse, but it is more accurately a volatile reaction that the bodies and beings of Shadar-Kai had to the death of their mother goddess Shar during the events of The Breaking. Shadar-Kai were designed by Shar to be immortal beings, an improvement upon the Elves - however this immortality was sustained by Shar and the Shadeweave. Without that, the magic within Shadar-Kai began to eat at them from the inside.   To suffer from the Hollow is to feel a constant and oppressive sense of doom and sorrow, as the soul of a Shadar-Kai slowly pulls itself towards a crushing state of undeath. Those who succumb to this effect will turn into an Undead husk - a fate that befell many Shadar-Kai and started the scourge of Undead that defined the Age of Darkness. However, an arguably worse fate is the result of those who choose to embrace this effect - and with a strong enough will and control of the Shadeweave become Vampires.  


Over the centuries of Shadar-Kai culture forced to live with the Hollow, a few ways of fighting the effects of the Hollow have emerged. The simplest, and most commonly adopted by Shadar-Kai people, is to live life in extremes, pursuing strong emotions, peak experiences of adrenaline, and even physical pain. This has led to common cultural norms of patterned skin-scarring, tattoos, and piercings, as well as the wide prevalence of bloodsports in the arenas of the Holy Kingdom of Shar and deadly glider and Skyship competitions seen among crews in the Coalition Archipelago and the Nimbus Sea - all symptoms of this race against the grave. These powerful sensory experiences have proved to delay the effects of the Hollow indefinitely, for as long as the lifestyle can be maintained. Meaning an individual Shadar-Kai could theoretically live out their immortal life in this way - though the ever-escalating need for adrenaline often leads to an eventual, less natural death.   A more rare method of combating the Hollow has been developed by the Holy Kingdom of Shar and is most prevalent among the nobility of New Emeria - as the method requires significant resources. These individuals have been able to surround themselves with Shadeweave magic and infused relics of the past recovered from the Veins of Shar as a way to supplicate the endless void of the Hollow. While this method requires continuous fuel to sustain, it allows for a much more peaceful life and immortality is much more of a possibility to attain, so long as the resources remain available to the individual.  


For most Shadar-Kai, this has become just another part of being alive. While not viewed favorably by most, it is seen as a facet of their creation and core to the identity of being a child of Shar. Most believe that their death has been foretold, woven into their soul and therefore impossible to change. For some that means a pursuit of personal glory, often showing no fear of death or care for safety. For others, this can mean an obsession with legacy and what they will be able to do with the time they have to make a name for themselves or pass on a better life for their children.

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk