Castle Ambrose in Shadar | World Anvil

Castle Ambrose

On the far side of the Csillasloch, atop the tree-lined cliffs beneath the towering Csordani Ridge, looms a massive and imposing black silhouette. Called Malizcestet by The Tzigani, meaning “Night Crown” in their tongue - the black spires of the castle appear cut-out from the world around it, darker than even the darkest night here at the center of the Fractal.   Castle Ambrose is one of the largest castles in the Imperial Fractals, equal in size to the small town of Grey's Mooring that is gathered in its shadow. From its vantage on the cliff, the multiple spire-like towers overlook the Csillasloch and a wide swath of the surrounding forest of the Muldrotha Wilds.  


The Vampire Lord Markov Ambrose ruled the region from this seat of power for centuries during the Age of Darkness. One of the most powerful Vampires in known history, he created his kingdom by subjugating the nearby survivors of The Breaking, forming a fiefdom isolated from the rest of the world. The only solace some survivors could find were fleeing into the Muldrotha Wilds to seek out Werewolf Clans that were forming in the forests.   During the War of Thorns, Markov Ambrose was one of the most prominent Vampire Lords and proved to be near-impossible to overthrow by the newly formed Imperial Army given the isolated and defensible position that Castle Ambrose provided. He also proved to be incredibly cunning, both in manipulating peoples and in battlefield tactics - with fighting escalating to the point where Skyships were flown over the Csillasloch to attack the keep, a few of which were downed in the surrounding forests. Eventually it took the brutal power of the allied Werewolf Clans from the Muldrotha Wilds who attacked the castle and the great Werewolf warrior Olcan Halfclaw who finally slayed the Vampire Lord.  


Since that climactic battle and to this day, the haunting spires of Castle Ambrose lie abandoned. No other resident has dared to reclaim it, though not purely from superstition. The massive keep still holds secrets and the belongings of the old lord, guarded by ancient spirits and blood curses that he summoned upon his demise. These known riches, both knowledge and magical power, draw a handful of scholars and adventurers to Grey's Mooring - though few who journey into the depths of the castle ever return.
by Raphael
Parent Region: The Eastmark
Nearby Settlements: Grey's Mooring
Nearby Points of Interest: Csillasloch, Muldrotha Wilds, Csordani Ridge

Cover image: by Daryl Mandryk