The Heavenly Path of Pathways Spell in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Heavenly Path of Pathways

"enables the creation of Space-Time portals, facilitating instantaneous travel to and from any location within the vast expanse of the cosmos, encompassing both higher and lower dimensions."

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford


  • Warp ManipulationThe user possesses the remarkable ability to manipulate warps within the fabric of the space-time continuum, exerting control over phenomena such as portals, rifts, distortions, wormholes, and other spatial and temporal warps. Through their manipulation, they can govern the destination and trajectory of these warps, determining whether they lead to another point in time, space, or even alternate dimensions. This power affords them the capability to traverse vast distances and navigate across the intricate tapestry of reality with ease. By harnessing these warps, the user gains unprecedented control over the spatial and temporal aspects of their surroundings, enabling them to transcend the confines of conventional limitations and explore realms far beyond the reach of ordinary perception.
  • Portal ArtsThe user possesses profound mastery over the arts of portals, a specialized system of techniques rooted in the manipulation of gateway power. Portals, which serve as extraordinary doorways linked to the fabric of the space-time continuum, enable connections between locations that would otherwise remain disconnected in ordinary physical or spatial circumstances. While many individuals with supernatural abilities can create such gateways primarily for transportation purposes, those well-versed in the Portal Arts can unlock their potential beyond mere movement.
  • Raw Magical Energy Usage: Magical Energy, as conventionally understood, originates from the extraction of Mana from the enigmatic realms of the 5th Dimension and its subsequent amalgamation with Natural Energy through specialized Mana Cells within the body. This transformative process is vital to ensure compatibility with corporeal vessels composed of flesh and blood, as attempting to utilize raw Mana directly would risk catastrophic damage. However, this unique ability empowers the user's body to bypass the fusion process and directly harness Mana in its pure form, eschewing the need for refinement into Magical Energy. Mana, being more abundant and inherently potent, unlocks a greater potential for spellcasting, endowing the user's magical incantations with heightened impact and effectiveness. The utilization of raw Mana amplifies the force and efficacy of spells, allowing for devastating outcomes beyond the limitations imposed by Magical Energy. By tapping into the unadulterated power of Mana, the user gains a formidable advantage, capable of wielding magic with unparalleled potency.
The Avatar of Shakti
The Avatar of Shakti stands as the epitome of boundless power, representing a fragment of the infinite expanse of the 5th Dimension. When invoked, this awe-inspiring avatar manifests as an endless reservoir of Magical Energy, bestowing upon the summoner an unfathomable wellspring to be wielded at their discretion. In the presence of Shakti's limitless energy, the initial cost of summoning her becomes inconsequential, as the summoner is thereafter liberated from the need to conserve or ration their energy reserves. With Shakti's infinite well of energy at their disposal, the summoner can embark upon extraordinary feats without the encumbrance of energy conservation, thus enabling the full expression of their magical potential.


Shakti Eyes by Bellim, Caio


The origin of the Eyes Over Heaven technique can be traced back to the profound power vested within six deities, all of whom met their demise at the hands of Miad in his original Multiverse. The initial deity consumed by Miad was Lord Brahma, the esteemed Creator of the Heavens and the revered progenitor of the celestial beings. Through the act of devouring Lord Brahma's divine essence, Miad acquired a unique capability possessed by only a select few mortals— the ability to wield the powers of various deities once they have been assimilated.
In the course of his mortal existence, Miad proceeded to vanquish and consume the powers of five additional gods: Vishnu, Ganesha, Maya, Shakti, and Shiva. Each of these deities succumbed to Miad's relentless onslaught, and their powers seamlessly merged with his own, guided by the command of Lord Brahma himself. These divine energies, harnessed and incorporated into Miad's being, endure as the eternal power source that fuels the enigmatic and formidable Eyes Over Heaven technique.
Thus, it is through the culmination of his conquests and the subsequent absorption of the divine energies of these six fallen deities that Miad attains dominion over a diverse array of celestial powers. This unparalleled fusion of divine might bestowed upon him the capacity to wield and manipulate the very essence of the gods, granting him a level of control and authority unparalleled by ordinary mortals. The power source behind the Eyes Over Heaven technique stands as a testament to the profound repercussions of Miad's fateful encounters with the celestial pantheon and the indomitable force he has become as a result.


In the timeless annals of the God War, where divine forces clashed and realms trembled, a fateful encounter transpired between Miad Dogar, a relentless warrior consumed by his insatiable hunger for power, and Shakti, the goddess of primordial energy. This battle would forever etch its mark upon the fabric of existence, a testament to the indomitable spirit of mortal and divine alike. Shakti, radiant and formidable, stood as one of the first gods to face Miad in his relentless crusade against the divine pantheon. Recognizing the grave threat posed by this mortal's ambition, she summoned her profound might, transcending the realms of mortal comprehension. With a single gesture, she drew Miad into the ethereal depths of the fifth dimension, where magic and reality merged in a delicate dance.
Within the realm of the fifth dimension, mortals dare not dwell for long, as its immense power threatens to unravel their very being. Miad found himself at a disadvantage, his mortal form strained under the weight of this ethereal realm. Yet, undeterred by the peril that awaited, he wielded his greatsword Omnum, a weapon infused with his unyielding determination and thirst for godly essence. The clash that ensued defied the boundaries of mortal perception. In the timeless void of the fifth dimension, Miad and Shakti engaged in a relentless dance of blades and energy, their every move resonating with the cosmic forces that permeated the realm. Though only moments passed in the mortal world, the battle felt like an eternity, for the fifth dimension held no allegiance to the ticking of mortal time.
Shakti, the mistress of primordial energy, unleashed her formidable powers, weaving spells and summoning cosmic forces that threatened to overwhelm Miad's mortal frame. But the warrior, driven by an unyielding will, weathered the onslaught with a resilience born of desperation and a thirst for divine essence. Their battle unfolded in a symphony of destruction and creation, as Miad's greatsword Omnum cleaved through the ethereal energies that coursed through the fifth dimension. The clash of their powers rent the fabric of reality, unleashing shockwaves that reverberated through the very essence of creation.
As the battle reached its crescendo, Miad, fueled by his insatiable hunger, overcame Shakti's defenses. With a final, devastating strike, he felled the goddess, his blade cleaving through her divine form. At that moment, as Shakti's essence merged with his own, the Heavenly Path of Pathways was revealed to Miad, granting him dominion over the celestial energies she once commanded.
Related Deity/Higher Power

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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