Eyes Over Heaven Spell in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Eyes Over Heaven

The Five Paths to Enlightenment

Created & Written by K. A. Crawford


Eyes Over Heaven (EOH) possesses a set of five distinct attributes known as the Five Paths of Heaven: the Path of Destruction, the Path of the Mind, the Path of Control, the Path of Wisdom, and the Path of Pathways.
  • The Path of Destruction enables the utilization of Occular-Based Energy Regression (OBER), a technique that targets the innate Magical Energy within living organisms and reverts it to its primal form as Universal Energy—the fundamental constituents of the cosmos. As a result, the target's energy reserves are depleted, creating the illusion of "destruction" of Magical Energy, although the technique does not truly eradicate it.
  • The Path of the Mind empowers the user with a formidable intellect capable of harnessing psionic abilities. This enables the manipulation of matter, energy, and even the very fabric of reality itself.
  • The Path of Control involves a process by which Magical Energy is efficiently channeled within the user's body, resulting in minimal energy expenditure when casting spells. This near-perfect conversion of Mana to Magical Energy ensures that the user's energy reserves remain virtually inexhaustible, achieving a remarkable 100% energy yield.
  • The Path of Wisdom grants profound insight and comprehensive knowledge of all secrets and information, whether magical or otherwise. By observing a spell or technique in action, the user instantly gains awareness and understanding of its intricate details.
  • The Path of Pathways enables the creation of Space-Time portals, facilitating instantaneous travel to and from any location within the vast expanse of the cosmos, encompassing both higher and lower dimensions. Additionally, this path empowers the user to safely utilize Mana (Raw Magical Energy) in place of Refined Magical Energy, ensuring compatibility and optimal utilization of resources.
All 5 Paths of Brahma Set by Bellim, Caio
The EOH bestows upon its user an Avatar known as BRAHMA, which can be utilized both offensively and defensively. BRAHMA exhibits two exceptional capabilities: the immediate creation of Celestial Treasures upon command, and the ability to summon the other five Avatars representing the Five Paths of Heaven.
  • The Path of Destruction is linked to the SHIVA Avatar, renowned for its remarkable offensive prowess. SHIVA possesses an impressive assortment of weapons and armaments, rendering it unparalleled in terms of destructive potential.
  • The Path of the Mind is associated with the MAYA Avatar, which exists solely within the ethereal realm of the Mindscape and lacks a physical form. It possesses the extraordinary ability to ensnare victims in an Infinite Dream known as the Land of the Hidden Truth.
  • The Path of Control is aligned with the VISHNU Avatar, excelling in defensive applications and exhibiting an indomitable resolve, rendering it impervious to defeat in battles of attrition.
  • The Path of Wisdom is embodied by the GANESHA Avatar, which grants the user a form of Cosmic Awareness when summoned, facilitating a profound understanding of the world and its intricacies.
  • The Path of Pathways is personified by the SHAKTI Avatar, a manifestation brimming with raw and pure magical energy, emanating boundless power.
In summary, the Eyes Over Heaven technique enables the user to 1) deplete the magical energy reserves of biological entities, 2) wield formidable Psionic abilities, 3) experience negligible energy loss when employing magic, 4) acquire comprehensive knowledge by mere observation, and 5) create portals to any location below the 5th Dimension. Additionally, each user of EOH possesses a unique, individualized 7th Path exclusive to them, known as the Innate Path. While the EOH eyes may be transferred to another host, the Innate Path remains exclusively usable by the original bearer, devoid of any associated Avatar.

The Armory of Vishwakarma

Vishwakarma is a divine entity associated with the art of forging, who diligently crafted an extensive armory in anticipation of an imminent conflict with Khaos. Within this armory resides an extensive array of weaponry, encompassing legendary swords as well as extraordinary explosives capable of reshaping the celestial bodies. Manifesting itself as a resplendent golden ring encircling its possessor, the armory encompasses a physical space of considerable dimensions wherein these weapons are housed—an ethereal pocket realm. While the primary function of the Armory is to serve as a repository and dispensary of limitless weapons and machinery, it also possesses the remarkable ability to contain spells and other metaphysical elements, including temporal constructs and celestial treasures. The potential of the armory is bound solely by the ingenuity of its master.
Overseeing the armory and its internal Weapons Depot is an AI entity known as Vastu Purusha, which encapsulates the mental essence of Vishwakarma within an expansive complex. Vastu Purusha assumes the dual role of custodian, managing the vast inventory of the armory, as well as a provider of invaluable services to the wielder of the EOH. Firstly, Vastu Purusha imparts immense intelligence and wisdom accumulated over countless ages, thereby serving as an unparalleled advisor on matters ranging from emotional well-being to tactical decisions. Secondly, it possesses the unique capability to establish the foundational framework for new Throne Worlds, meticulously designing them with meticulous precision and producing comprehensive blueprints for replication. Notably, all Throne Worlds conceived by Vastu Purusha are securely housed within the armory and can be summoned at the wielder's discretion, offering unparalleled convenience and control.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Eyes Over Heaven does not yield infinite Magical Energy, it only brings the amount of Magical Energy used by the body down to infinitesimally close to zero.
  • The Eyes Over Heaven technique is heavily reliant on Magic as a power system, should the user be moved to a place absent or cut off from Magic, it will have a profound effect on the technique's ability to perform.
  • Many of the Eyes Over Heaven abilities are ocular-based, creating a reliance on sight.


Inherited Magical Technique Eyes Over Heaven by Bellim, Caio
When fully matured and mastered, the Eyes Over Heaven technique will manifest itself as the BRAHMA ocular design as a Constant technique.


The origin of the Eyes Over Heaven technique can be traced back to the profound power vested within six deities, all of whom met their demise at the hands of Miad in his original Multiverse. The initial deity consumed by Miad was Lord Brahma, the esteemed Creator of the Heavens and the revered progenitor of the celestial beings. Through the act of devouring Lord Brahma's divine essence, Miad acquired a unique capability possessed by only a select few mortals— the ability to wield the powers of various deities once they have been assimilated.
In the course of his mortal existence, Miad proceeded to vanquish and consume the powers of five additional gods: Vishnu, Ganesha, Maya, Shakti, and Shiva. Each of these deities succumbed to Miad's relentless onslaught, and their powers seamlessly merged with his own, guided by the command of Lord Brahma himself. These divine energies, harnessed and incorporated into Miad's being, endure as the eternal power source that fuels the enigmatic and formidable Eyes Over Heaven technique.
Thus, it is through the culmination of his conquests and the subsequent absorption of the divine energies of these six fallen deities that Miad attains dominion over a diverse array of celestial powers. This unparalleled fusion of divine might bestowed upon him the capacity to wield and manipulate the very essence of the gods, granting him a level of control and authority unparalleled by ordinary mortals. The power source behind the Eyes Over Heaven technique stands as a testament to the profound repercussions of Miad's fateful encounters with the celestial pantheon and the indomitable force he has become as a result.


In the annals of ancient history, there exists a technique shrouded in the depths of a Multiverse distinct from our own, nestled within the vast expanse of the Greater Multiversal Sphere. This particular Multiverse teemed with an assembly of deities and celestial beings, whose actions bore dire consequences upon the life of a humble farmer named Miad. His heart aflame with the flames of injustice, Miad swore an oath of vengeance against these divine entities, setting forth on a perilous and blood-soaked crusade.
In his relentless pursuit of retribution, Miad exacted ruthless justice upon the gods who had wronged him. However, his fervor twisted into a maelstrom of darkness that consumed all else, including his own humanity. Lost in the tempest of his hatred, Miad's initial grievances became obscured, and he descended further into a state of fervid madness. With every deity he vanquished, Miad absorbed their divine essence, assimilating their powers unto himself. Thus, through this unholy fusion, the Eyes Over Heaven technique was born, a manifestation of his insatiable thirst for power.
Yet, Miad's insidious path led not only to the downfall of the gods but also to the wanton annihilation of his own Multiverse. The relentless tide of bloodshed and the toxic tendrils of his envy seeped into every corner, leaving naught but desolation and ruin in their wake. The tragedy of Miad's descent into darkness unfolded with tragic grandeur, echoing the echoes of ancient Greek myths and their themes of hubris and fatal flaws.
In the midst of this cataclysm, Miad found himself cast adrift from the ravaged remnants of his native Multiverse, seeking solace within the realms of Yggdrasil. Scarred and weakened, he wandered the sacred realms of the World Tree, a solitary figure burdened by the weight of his actions and the haunting memories of his past. Bereft of allies and devoid of purpose, Miad now grappled with the consequences of his tumultuous journey, destined to face the consequences of his tragic choices alone.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Material Components
  • The creator of the EOH technique was Miad Dogar and he once lived as a Monk for the Gods, wielding a Khakkhara on his long journeys and it has since been an aspect of the technique for all inheriters of it. The Khakkhara can be used as a weapon but is primarily a symbol of the user's power and authority as a being above the Heavens.
Effect Duration
From Birth until Death

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.

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