Aroden's View District Geographic Location in Sesteer | World Anvil

Aroden's View District

Original text from Paizo, modified by Ryan Augustine


Standing atop the highest hill in the city, Aroden’s View is a small district, but one with great cultural importance—even taking into account that it is surrounded by a city full of Taldan touchstones. It holds some of the oldest buildings in Taldor, some of which even survived the destruction wrought by the Tarrasque (or so their current owners claim), granting the area immense historical significance.

Fauna & Flora

It is also one of the most beautiful sites in Oppara, with extravagant gardens filled with rare flowers and other flora, tree-lined avenues perfect for promenading in the latest fashions, and massive villas carefully arranged to take advantage of the breathtaking views the district provides its privileged residents.
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