Transfer of Eyes Tradition / Ritual in Seleim | World Anvil
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Transfer of Eyes

The Transfer of Eyes ceremony is the rite that officially bestows the title of High Ship Seer. Those who have been elected to this office serve for three years and are able to be elected a total of four times, whether consecutively or not is irrelevant. When the previous Seer is nearing the end of their term, the Water Walkers guild gathers together during the winter season when few ships are on long journeys. This is to give as many members as possible a vote. Every member being available at the same time is often impossible. As long as eighty-five percent of the guild is present, the vote will proceed. Only in very close circumstances will another vote be taken, this time with ninety percent necessary.    Once a new High Ship Seer is chosen, they are brought to the front of the auditorium in the main guild hall in Leowit. If the person was unable to attend the election meeting, another time is scheduled for their official ascension. However, they are still considered to hold the office before that point.    At the front, the previous Seer will remove the ring and necklace that signify their office. These are made of silver chain have a pearl carved into the shape of an eye on the ring and a merchant ship on the necklace. A merchant ship is used instead of a war ship as the guild sees its function as a civilian organization rather than a military one. Such duties are left to the navy.    The previous Seer will place the ring and necklace on the newly elected Seer's body. While the necklace is large enough to fit anyone, the ring may not fit the new person. It will be placed on whatever finger fits best and then adjusted after the ceremony. The predecessor will then give a short speech extolling the skills and virtues of their successor. After this, the new Seer will give their own speech thanking the guild and asking the previous Seers for guidance.    When the ceremony is complete, the guild will celebrate with a large feast consisting of sea food and various ceremonial breads.


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