Infusion in Seleim | World Anvil
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Infusion is a debunked magical strategy that relied on the use of irum. The main theory stated that carving certain symbols or words into a stone would increase its magical power and allow those without the ability to use magic the freedom to do so. Those selling the stones used nonsense symbols and engraved them into various sizes of irum. They would then force a certain essence into the stones and sell them, claiming that they would let non-magical people perform the feats of others.   During demonstrations, the sellers would pull magic from the stones simply because they were essence magic users and could do so. Once sold, the stones would emit low amounts of essence from the surface of the engravings, which was actually the essence escaping through the small cracks caused by the carving tools. However, those who wanted to believe suddenly thought they could do magic as well.   Alchemists in the Fpridabmelin Snilodawa in Yzel investigated the stones, along with the engravings, and found that the runes were actually an old form of Eoin writing. Working with their counterparts in Eoion, the Yzelians determined that the stones were merely irum chunks which had been polished and carved so as to less resemble the original stone.   The symbols themselves had no inherent power and, when 'sentences' were written on them, the Historic Significance department of Eoion found that they translated into nonsense.   Despite the fact that infusion has been proven nothing more than a way to scam the poor, there are still those who believe that the stones are not irum and that the markings do have real power.

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