Sidverite is a yellow gem that is moderately rare in Seiðrheim. It is most commonly mined by dwarves and sold to craftsmen around the world. Since it is such a good magical powersource it is commonly seen in rods and staves. The purest forms of Sidverite must be handled with great care as it can be dangerously volatile in the pure form.
Material Characteristics
Sidverite is a dense heavy gem that is a strong yellow color.
Physical & Chemical Properties
It is warm to the touch and produces a faint yellow glow matching its natural color. It radiates magical power in its raw state and that power increases significantly when it is well cut.
Geology & Geography
Sidverite can be found growing as a crystalline structure in deep caves where dwarves usually spelunk.
History & Usage
Sidverite was first discovered by the dwarves and was originally used as a marker for their underground passages. After some time the gnome Valzu discovered that the gem possessed magical properties. He then spent many years studying it and was the first person to create a magical rod with it.
Everyday use
The small shard byproduct is used for jewellery. It generally falls between the price range of rubies and sapphires.
Industrial Use
In some areas gnomes use this to power their smaller machinery and mechanisms, such as miniature constructs used for spying or timepieces to keep track of the current hour when underground.
Sidverite can be refined by the use of gem cutting tools. Jewellers that are more skilled can produce higher quality cuts which result in the gem providing more magical power.
Manufacturing & Products
This gem is often inlaid into weapons, staves, and rods to magically enhance them. Some gnome tinkerers have also discovered a method to use the gem as a power source for small contraptions.
Byproducts & Sideproducts
Usually when cutting the gems there are small shards left over that aren't strong enough to provide magical power.
High when it can provide magical power. Moderate when it is the shard byproduct.
Common State