Mirador Fortress
Mirador Fortress is the headquarters for the Seiðrheim Sentinels. The fortress is located at the peak of The Fractured Highlands. The mountaintop location was chosen for strong defensibility as well as the massive viewable range surrounding them.
The fortress serves multiple facets of the organization, these are:
The Seiðrheim Sentinels have curated a marvelous division of scholars. The scholars are the ones who originally created the Sentinels Guild Contract. They continually search for ways to improve the contract as well as develop new types of adventuring gear for the guild.Training
Those who wish to be promoted to more elite ranks of the Sentinels attend the training programs offered at the fortress. There are programs for combat, spell casting, survival, and diplomacy. The courses are all offered for free to the Sentinels provided that they use their newfound skills for good.Celebration
Yearly celebratory events are held at the fortress where they can recount their tales to fellow Sentinels. The fortress has a massive cellar where they store the various meads, wines, beers, cheeses, and so forth that have been given to them for their good deeds. Those goods are saved for each celebration when the most amount of Sentinels can meet to enjoy them.Trade
The Sentinels will sell their more common adventuring gear at outposts throughout the world, but the more advanced or masterwork equipment must be purchased at the fortress. Because of the fortress location the fortress has taken to acting as a trade hub between mountain dwarf settlements and highland human settlements.
Owning Organization