Kayotia Geographic Location in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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Kayotia is a large continent just above the equator of Ezqotia. It is more horizontal in nature, with a gap in its lower center that forms a wide gulf where a few scattered islands dwell near it almost as micro-archipelagos. Of such though, only the western batch of small formations still count as purely Kayotian territory. Amber Islands is often disputed as not belonging to the mass, but for many years has in fact been one in the same ruling territory with the Rekettan empire greatly influencing both.   Kayotia is a host to many historic events, rich beliefs, and diverse easy-to-navigate biomes across most of its central mass. It became a large power in world history, mostly through the years and lasting influences of the Rekettan Empire that dominated a great portion of the land. It is thought the nation was both less of a general conduit for Chaos-energy, and diverse in wildlife, leaving the nation with much fewer beasts and odd creatures than continents like Basillua, and K'mosia would know. For instance, it is estimated the only trace of Merfolk/Ank'shii type beings was in the ancient span of roughly 1'000 PDP, and likewise such beasts as trolls and such were barely known. This is believed to have allowed easier construction for human and Rekettan efforts.


Much of the western portion is desert landscape and grasslands that turn more moderate closer to the center. From there, more hills, and some woodlands take shape, with the lower central and eastern north being denser forests. In the highest north peaks are cold, frigid mountains. To the very east edge are rocky cliffs, and sandy beaches. South-east is layered in boggy marshes, while south-west is the driest of the grasslands bridging between small beaches & a land bridge to the eastern isles, and the desert. The virtually-connected eastern islands are more of a small mix of grassy hills with light sub-tropical woodlands.
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