Ezqotia Geographic Location in Seeds of Chaos | World Anvil
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Ezqotia is the main planet and setting for most of the Seeds of Chaos universe. Its a mostly earth-like realm, with continents of various biomes ranging from tropics, deserts, forests, tundras, and plenty of oceans, mountains, and islands. Its produced a lot of sentient and various creatures and life forms, of which include the powerful and sometimes imperialist races of human, reketta, and ank'shii.   Notable locations within the world include the grand and powerful continents of Kayotia, and Basillua, as well as their sister island locations of Amber Isle and Orcasio. However, places like K'mosia, Jekobia, Feljia island, and the ocean cities of syrun, aren't necessarily nothing to think light of either.
Alternative Name(s)
Yorlan (Old Kayotian name)
Included Locations


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