Cult of the Joker Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Cult of the Joker

Noctris is the youngest of the New Gods, is also called “the prankster” or “the drunken god”. All his followers are in a way or another looking for mischief. Thief, whores, drunkards offer a pray to the Reveler, usually dropping some wine from the first cup of the day. There is not an established church of Noctris, but only single priests and cleric that receive the powers to create more mayhem and merriment.

Some priests of Noctris are also known to run “thieves guild” in great city.



Most cultists of Noctris revere the god's trickster aspect. They believe that practical jokes and pranks are beneficial to society, encouraging their victims to see the world from a different viewpoint. However, their tricks are often cruel and not well received by the victims.

Noctris often sends omens to his worshipers in the form of illusions. He often calls upon his followers to help him escape from trouble he has gotten himself into. Noctris rewards anyone clever enough to be able to steal from him.

The spell animate dead, considered shameful and dishonorable by the other Gods of the Pantheon, is acceptable to Noctris.

He is depicted by the Northmen and the Norren as wearing the furs of their people, having red hair, and carrying no weapons.





While the humans typically worship the Valenor pantheon as a collective group, Noctris is particularly followed by rogues and assassins, though social outcasts and troublemakers are often drawn to him. Some sorcerers also revere Noctris. In some lands, he is followed by the yuan-ti. Noctris's followers worship in secret. They are mistrusted by society at large, and command little respect. Clerics who revere the entire Valenor pantheon as a group do not sanction the worship of Loki. A few darker sects of Noctris practice outright murder, mayhem, and chaos. Notable followers of Noctris include the cambion Rule-of-Three, who is said to have worshiped Noctris for a while before he tired of it; Wastoure, a mage who worships him as Noctis, and Bersi, who disguises as a follower of Arva.  
Many priests of Noctris are also rogues or sorcerers.  

Clothing and Symbols

Holy symbol

Noctris's holy symbol is a jester mask, or an assassin dagger.

Other symbols variously used to reprsent Noctris include a pair of red and black boots, a drinking goblet filled with bubbling venom and a fly.


Rituals & Traditions

Unlike most of the Valenorian pantheon, priests of Noctris are not required to perform any particular services or rituals. Those clerics who pray to Noctris for divine intervention for some personal gain may, on rare occasion, receive a personal visit from Noctris's avatar, though no individual has ever received this gift more than three times in their lifetime.


Places of Worship

Temples of Noctris are usually maintained in secret. They may be hidden in other buildings, or in caves. Some use legitimate businesses as a front for the cult. Temples are often full of weapons, poison, and supplies for causing mayhem.

New visitors to Noctris's temples are treated with suspicion, but Norren are especially welcome.


Holy days




Myths and legends

Clerics of Noctris
Symbol A Jester Cap
Favored weapon Daggers, Shortswords and Shorbows
Deity Domain Trickery Domain
Chaos Domain
Luck Domain
Rituals Roll a dice before attempting any action that can fail.
Granted Powers The action taken by a faithful immediately after the cleric cast his dice get a +1 on the chance of success.
Holy Items
Priest of Noctris.png
Religious, Coven
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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