Turoch emulator cults

These cults don’t really see any good in Turoch being in charge, and they probably aren't seeking the embrace of oblivions, but they respect the power Turoch wielded.    Some cults of people who are little more than thugs or bandits and they use imagery of Turoch in order to inspire fear in their victims and show contempt for the values of normal society.   Others are far worse, seeking to become as much like Turoch as possible trafficking with demons and/or devils and attempting to collect the souls of sentient beings in order to fuel their own lust for power. Few actually get to the point where they wield enough blasphemous power enough to be able to actually consume a soul, but many try. The clerics and flocks of the Nine take no chances and squash cults of Turoch Emulators whenever they find them. It’s not uncommon for rival Nine to actually work together in these efforts, or at least suspend hostilities until the Turoch cults are completely destroyed.
Secret, Occult


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