Sartova Age of Malevolent Motifs

Age of Malevolent Motifs



a.k.a. The Invasions.
All over Sartova, dimensions find purchase within eachother both physically, and areas between become cosmically unsafe. Things physical might become thoughts and disappear just as quickly. Dreams become reality in other worlds. Impure things and failures and falsehoods shift and warp into minds and holy wars of angelic wars and mortal home alike.
The world finds Disaster, as all worlds overlap.

Through The Invasions, every time a plane is coterminous, it is not only through manifest zones, but all over Evandyr that it's inhabitants can cross over, and vice versa. Normally this only happens at manifest zones during these days.   The Age of Malevolent Motifs causes untold chaos and death and strife. More Forgotten Kingdoms are destroyed during this time than ever. It creates a King of the Hill type battle every each day for the Seals of Erinion, the Peak of Evandyr, and countless other metaphysically powerful locations throughout the worlds. No winner can be known, as the divergence/apogee day, when everything from the distant Story/Theme/Element is either extremely weakened or destroyed.   This weakness does not happen on the Peak of Evandyr.