The Wyrmbone Geographic Location in Sartova | World Anvil

The Wyrmbone

"We each have brushed against, however briefly, the beings of the other world. Were all aware that as the day is for humankind, the night belongs to them."

--Queen Aina the Whisperer, in 90 BBE(-90).

  The Wyrmbone is well known for the dangers it offers, the beauty among the oaks and aspens, and the evils that beckon forth from the night into the rest of the world. The Bay knew many more of them before the Stavs returned to the Highlands in 370 AB, and thought themselves the known world's protectors. It was through this that the Jaratt have been nearly eradicated over the last few centuries, but such civilization does not wander far into the Wyrmbone.   It's namesake comes from numerous dragon graveyards that dot the highest peaks and the more hidden valleys of the woods, where in years long forgotten, a more civilized species of dragons came to die. Scholars have varied opinions on why the Wyrmbone is such a spiritual, mystical place, from theories on the energies from the death of such powerful beings, to mystics that claim the spirits have grown more angry due to the Stav's indifference. Nonetheless, the fear of the woods remains the same, being home to werewolves from the stories used to frighten children into bed through the Highlands, as well as creatures born of the Spirits' desires such as the fabled Wendigo. The woods are said to have been the grave of ten times as many Stavs as dragons, but the name remains unchanged.   Mercenaries as well as men of Stavik's Banneret do travel into the Wyrmbone, perhaps on a hunt, to forage for supplies, or in a hopeless effort to find the resting place of a Great Wyrm, and thereby plunder the contents of their final hoard. Unlike the Azure Shroud, extra-dimensional beings are more rare here, though not unheard of.  
--En'Sof, home of the Wood Orcs.
  There are a toughened folk who make their home inside the Wyrmbone, known as the Wood Orcs. These gray-green skinned humanoids have tusks and commonly only come to 5'4, despite being burly and agile. Their society is built around their Mystics and wisemen, and their fierce hunting style. In the Highlands there are stories of Wood Orcs swinging from vines between trees and firing arrows whilst in the air, as well as fending off a dozen Belshars with their fists alone, a common image.   Such a thing is unlikely. The Wyrmbone grows no trees with common vines.   The Wood Orcs have a peculiar story they would tell any who care to listen. They say this: there is a cave, a dark obsidian gullet which stretches into a dark prison. This cave, known as Dar'sof, in a time before light graced the world, was unchecked. The Wood Orcs were created to ensure that nothing may ever, in all of time, exit that cave, so that the world may remain safe. Travellers that have been to En'sof, the tribal home of the Wood Orcs, never saw any sort of fighting or fortifications, but some did see the cave from afar.  

And, in fact, it was made of Molten Ebony.

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Jun 10, 2020 21:56

Molten Ebony? impossible?