Thalia Character in Sartova | World Anvil


This journal was originally written in braille   [ Taia passed away today, the strange illness finally caught up with her. Even though I knew this was coming, it still left me in shock. I still remember all that she did for me, helping find my way through this dangerous city, giving me a place to call home again, even if it was only for a short time. I know not what I will do now, for I have no place to go, no where to stay. She will be missed. In her final moments, she gave me a box, inside there was a silver necklace. I know not what this stands for, but it was something she held close. It would be worth looking into more.]   Her words trail off.   [ I will not mourn her passing, for death allows new life in this world, a needed balance. But I will miss having her as a foundation, somewhere I could always go to feel at home.]   Part of the text is scratched over, making it illegible   [ ..... traveling with people who were friends with Taia, people I might be able to trust. Right now I am staying skeptical, I cant just go around trusting anybody, especially in this city. But, if Taia saw something in these people, perhaps they should be given a chance. Leioh, very nervous and paranoid man, small time thief, but knows his way around the city fairly well. Xera, trap maker, she also has a knack for finding new belongings. Vok, a hunter, who seems to say a little more than people would be comfortable with, but never-the-less seems to know what he his doing. Rieta, a mage who focuses on the future more than the present, what could be rather than the now, does card readings of sort.   [But for now I must sleep, for tomorrow we search for a mean of getting coin. ]   End of Entry           Following Thalia's death at the Gala in Tharsis, in 854 AB, Groth's Assurance was left in broken shards, and sent with her body back to her home of Erinion. Her duty was fulfilled, she was to be dissolved into pure energies, to be truly free.
764 AB 854 AB 90 years old


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