Goblin Species in Saradon | World Anvil


Short, often scrawny, and frequently viewed as particularly unsightly by the majority of kithfolk, goblins are a species of goblinoid demikith which bare the namesake used to characterize the branch. Due to often being cast as the most primitive species of demikith, the 'goblinoid' name stems from the belief among some scholars that goblins were the first of their kind to arise and that all other goblinoid demikith ascended from that base form. Others, scholars and laymen alike, view the term as almost insulting to the whole of naturally-occuring kithfolk for a similar reason, believing that comparing humans, elves, orcs, and so on to a creature so loathsome to be offensive at best.   Despite these controversies, including many who argue that goblins are a primitive enough species to be undeserving of the moniker of demikith entirely, goblins display sapient intelligence and developed emotions at a level quite comparable to other capable kithfolk species but seem predisposed to slightly different styles of living. Unlike close cousin species such as the ogre or troll, goblins are highly social creatures and are most often found among large communal tribes in which the concept of individual family units is rarely present.   Goblins are often generalized as greedy, backstabbing, and hungry for any treasures which they can horde, but this behavior seems only directed towards outsiders. From what has been observed and recorded by outsiders privy to goblin dealings within tribes, the creatures are fiercely loyal to others within the shared community and assure that each member is suitably provided for in matters of food and shelter.   When in conflict, goblins will often take extensive measures to ensure the safety and survival of every individual present even when doing so is extremely disadvantageous. In observations from those capturing goblins as prisoners or slaves, the tribe will most often only retreat when it becomes obvious that attempting to retrieve the stolen individual would cost many more lives, and even then will follow along and pester the captors for miles on end.   Goblins are believed to be native to the southern deserts of Khaddal, though are now found in sparse numbers across every continent. Averse to the cold, the creatures are most fond of arid environments or underground caverns, though may occasionally conglomerate around marshes, swamps, or jungles with the presence of enough fish.
Average Height
3'5" - 4'10" (104 - 147cm)

Cover image: by Mohammad Qureshi


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