Glowpulse Spell in SanZera | World Anvil


A Glowpulse is a discharge of Celestial Aura from a Luminous organism's focus point into another object that it has direct physical contact with.


Glowpulses move Aura from a Luminous creature to something they are directly touching with a focus point. The speed and intensity of the pulse can be controlled by the caster.

The exact effect of the pulse depends on its Luminosity and the Luminosity (if any) of the target. Low intensity, gentle pulses of solar or lunar Aura can warm or cool another person. Steady, moderate intensity pulses can recharge the Aura stores of a Luminous item of the same Luminosity. Quick, high-intensity pulses can swiftly negate the Aura of something with an opposing Luminosity.


Glowpulses are often invisible. Usually the only indication of a Glowpulse is the caster's body's response to using Glow, and any resulting effects on the target. The physical experience of a Glowpulse can be pleasant or uncomfortable depending on the intensity and the Luminosity of the caster and target.


Glowpulses require a celestial nexus with output nodes. A specific focus point isn't necessary for a basic pulse, but precise control of the pulse will require one. The caster is in complete control of how much Glow they use in a pulse.

Related Element
Effect Duration
As long as contact is maintained
Effect Casting Time
Direct contact
Related Creatures
Pretty much all Glowfauna and some Glowflora are capable of at least a low-intensity Glowpulse

Cover image: SanZera world cover by Aster Blackwell


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Dec 29, 2023 00:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ooo, some glowflora can use this one. That's super fun. And probably means it's a good idea to not go around touching them all willy-nilly.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 29, 2023 02:32 by Aster Blackwell

Oh for sure! Though Glowless plants can punish you for touching them just as well ;P