Moon Elf Ethnicity in Sanzeia | World Anvil

Moon Elf

Moon elves, once common throughout Sanzeia, are now mostly clustered in the cities of the Yvalian Empire or territories under its control. This is due to a series of purges beginning in the 12 century BT, the survivors found themselves made slaves or driven to the frozen northern land of Jessia.  In modern Sanzeia, moon elves within Himse and the more northern human kingdoms face considerable prejudice. Considered thieves, prostitutes, spies or worse, moon elves generally suffer under the impression cast by the Empire and Republic in all major states (save Bhakh where only strength is valued and Clearia where all non-humans are shunned).

Naming Traditions

Family names

Moon elves use typical surnames in their own elven dialect, however, certain groups within Yvalian society, particularly the Moonpriestesses instead take clan names as their own, these names such as Moonbow or Shadesong, are typically made of two words and rendered in common when dealing with outsiders.


Average technological level

Moon elves rival sun elves as the most magically proficient race in Sanzeia. While little is known about what goes on deep within Yvalian territory, the Yvalian use of magical shock troops and superior tatics has made them formidable combatants as seen during the Yvalian invasion

Historical figures


Beauty Ideals

Moon elves typically possess darker skin, anywhere from a deep tan to coal black, and pale hair and eyes. Moon elf maidens revel in the femininity of their bodies, one of the many things that has resulted in moon elves being labeled as morally corrupt outside of their own lands.

Gender Ideals

Moon elf culture is matriarchal in nature and tends to elevate all things feminine in honor of their patron goddess Lyndranel. Himsean tales relay that one of every three male children born in Yval is put to death so as never threaten the established order. Moon elf males do seem proportionally more represented in their military formations.
Encompassed species
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