Misty Woods

Between trading cities of Croglen and Boulrock and to the northwest of Ardrest lies the Misty Woods, a place considered generally impassible to civilized folk, who are encouraged to bring guards, travel in groups, and avoid camping close to the wood at night, for the misty woods are said to be home to bandits, goblins, and worse.


Bordered by the coast to the north, and hemmed in by small streams, steep hills and dense tree cover, the woods are generally considered largely impassable and are considered especially dangerous at night, when the forest's more dangerous inhabitants are likely to be active. The forest is home to a least one tribe of goblins that often harass traders on the road between Croglen and Blourock.

Localized Phenomena

While not a particularly unusual trait for large forests, the Misty Woods take their name from the peculiar habit of mist lingering between the tree trunks at all but the height of the day and the middle of night. Most people believe this to be a unique effect of the sea breeze, local geography, and large trees, but some maintain that the mist must have a supernatural cause.
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