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The pen of knowing

That which is known is known because it is written. But that which is known is not written on paper, quick to perish and hard to preserve. No, that which is known is written on the great quartz sheets beneath the Temple of Magadla and it is written by the The Pen of Knowing, which has ever been in the hands of The Balancer

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is unknown if there is any magic in pen itself, but certainly its shape is no natural formation. The pen is made from diamond and shaped like a reed pen with a sharp point, the nib capable of drawing blood from the unware it is so sharp.


This diamond shaped like a pen with a sharp nub for writing, is one of the jewels of office of the The Balancer of the The Order of the Three, the highest priestess and moral authority on the continent of Kisangi Continent. It is also used to inscribe cannon details about the the religion of the Three into the quartz wall of the great Rooms of Knowing above which the Magadla Temple is built.

No part of the religion or its teaching is considered cannon until it has been etched into the quartz sheets by the hand of the Balancer. And no part of that which has been written may be removed except by destroying the whole quartz sheet that it has been written on. In this what is that which is true and known persevered, while that which is said, may be changed.

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Owning Organization
100 grams
Base Price


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Jul 5, 2021 13:49 by Max

Cool idea! I'm curious: does the nib, writing into slabs of quartz, ever need to be sharpened or replaced?

Jul 5, 2021 15:01 by Marie Mullany

Not on this pen no, it's does not appear to show any wear and tear. This could be because diamond is harder than quartz... .Or it could be because it is Pen of Knowing. It is not known :D   I'm also thinking that because of the Pen, the writing implement of the people of Kisangi is a glass dipping pen rather than a quill or reed pen. This is a glass pen: It looks so freaking cool