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City of Frost

General introduction

Remia is the northernmost city of the Confederation of Tarrabaenia and the second largest city in the state of Tebrina. It was originally founded as a trading and military outpost to the east to prevent non sedentiary groups from crossing the Paunis river and raiding the Tebrina mainland from an advantageous position in the Sévo Mountain Range. It is positioned east of the Sévo Mountain Range and lies on the bank of the middle reach of the Paunis river. Remia is wedged between the slopes of the mountains to the west and southwest and the river to the north. A smaller military outpost that was originally called Remia but is now only referred to as 'The old town' or 'Old Remia' lies a dozen iúmetirnés south of Remia and was the first outpost of Tebrina beyond the Sévo Mountains. It is the main trading hub between the Confederation and the northern petty kingdoms as well as the Madini to the east. Past the year 4520 of the Era of the Earth some construction has been done east of the Paunis River, too. This is mainly an area to accommodate Madini armed escorts, but also traders of Madini or Tarrabaenian descent or all kinds of travellers. This new part of the city is referred to as 'the new town' or 'Noa Remia'.

Climate and natural ressouces

Remia is called 'City of the Frost' since it is the only settlement in Tebrina as well as all of the Confederation that recieves annual and relatively harsh winters with frost and snow. Shielded from the Grey Sea by the thin Sévo Mountain Range and lying on the bank of the cool Paunis river it has a continental climate unlike all other cities in the Confederation. Although Remia lies in the rain shadow of the mountains it has a steady supply of fresh water, not only from the Paunis river, but also from its tributary, the Llíques, which comes down directly from the snowy tops of the northern Sévo Mountains. The Llíques flows through the city and into the Paunis river.
As the Paunis is a big stream it carries fertile sediment providing for the cultivation of crops during the warm summer months. Due to the short season there is only one harvest per year and mostly spelt, root vegetables and kale are grown. The most common fruits are aquino, saubuce, rowan and medlar. The river provides plenty of fish and crayfish. Woolly crabs are rare, but are caught once a year for the cities signature festival, the éppulo grangiús. The city is mostly built of stone from the adjacent mountains. Wood has to be brought in from north of the river or the western parts of


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