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Kalon Korkaks

General introduction

Kalon Korkaks means 'heart of the swamp' in Duinis 'Éch, the language of the Duiniken which used to live around the Moiyeli Swampland before they were pushed to the east, first by the Mdûlûn and later also by other humans from precursors of the Confederation of Tarrabaenia. Since the Moiyeli Swampland is a very dangerous area to traverse, not many have actually been there themselves and far less have left records of their venture. It is well known, that Samthô is hollow and houses a whole other world below its surface. Yet on some places the subterranean and the surface world are connected by caves, tunnels, crevasses ad the like. Such a connection must also be in the Moiyeli Swampland, as its fauna has many creatures that are normally animals of the subterranean regions. This is even reflected in the Moiyeli Swamplands very name, with 'moiyeli' meaning 'giant scorpion', which are a typical sight in that area. The Kalon Korkaks is the name given to the general area where this cave or opening to the subterranean world meet the surface.

Location and nature

The exact position of the Kalon Korkaks is unknown to the peoples around the Moiyeli Swampland. Nevertheless the Kalon Korkaks exists in the very center of the area. It is indeed an entryway to the subterranean areas in the shape of two openings that are connected to two different areas below the surface. Old stone carvings from the old Duiniken who lived here until they were replaced by Mdûlûn in the time between the seventh and eleventh century of the Era of the Earth tell us that the northern opening is larger and the southern opening is smaller. They also show some architecture of unknown origin around the openings that differ greatly from what Duiniken ruins look like. For the peoples living there today it is unclear whether these buildings were built by Luak coming from the subterranean realm or if they were build by some other civilization before the Great Scorching. In fact these buildings where indeed built by Luak. But during the same time the Duiniken were driven from the area around the Moiyeli Swampland a part of the cave system connected to the southern opening collapsed, cutting the surface-living Luak off from their subterranean brethren. Nowadays the place is deserted with the ruins waiting to be discovered.

Kalon Korkaks in current culture

Antiquarians of the states of the Confederation of Tarrabaenia have taken an interest in the Duiniken stone carvings trying to find out more about the civilization in the middle of the Moiyeli Swampland. Up until now no expedition has ever returned to report on the Kalon Korkaks. All that is known are old songs and epics telling conflicting things about the area. None of these sources offer any information about the old Luak settlement in the area. Some tell stories of the Duiniken having built the buildings themselves, although that cannot be true due to the completely different architecture. Other stories say the Duiniken withdrew to these settlements in the centre of the swamp, which is also not true as the Duiniken now live to the east of the Moiyeli Swampland.
The Mdûlûn of the Kingdom of Säymi and their exclave Altêjê are well aware of what the Kalon Korkaks actually is, but have not set foot into the Moiyeli Swampland since the fourth or fifth century. They still believe the Luak are living and thriving there unless they were wiped out by the Suadleyn, of whose presence in the swamps they alone are aware.
The Madini to the north have a specific narrative concerning the Kalon Korkaks. They just call the swamp Tapikara - 'what brings forth ugly things' or 'bearer of the ugly'. Being a superstitious people they believe a monstrous mother is living in the swamp, giving birth to all the creatures the Madini find repulsive and unsettling. Tapikara is also the name of this assumed entity which has become eponymous with the Moiyeli Swampland itself.


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