The Sunstone Empire Organization in Sagrea | World Anvil
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The Sunstone Empire

A powerful, albeit affable and harmless empire that rules over the entire continent of Aestus. Formed by a band of sailors that merged crews to earn their riches during the continent's first discovery, the Sunstone Empire has grown at a rapid pace to rule all its land thanks to all competing settlers deciding to give up after seeing the harsh conditions of Aestus' wastelands. Greedy to a fault, they quickly took advantage of their limitless resources to become Sagrea's richest nation.   Despite their vice, however, the empire itself is run fairly peacefully. While the emperor is still able to use his power to control the circulation of information among other things, it happens rarely and is only used to cover up the empire's own mistakes, incompetence, and general stupidity. After they eventually stopped participating in the slave trade and even attempting to stop it entirely more than once, all citizens have been treated as equals regardless of social status. As a result, this essentially set up the nobles as nothing more than a title for those rich enough to actively influence minor political decisions. In addition to this, they prefer to prosper economically more than anything else, rarely using gunboat diplomacy despite their massive military strength.   Is currently at an eternal war with the neighboring continent Areon after the empire's stupidity caused them to drop a 50 foot selenite crystal at the border and unintentionally cause it to go haywire, creating an area where anything that dies will eventually resurrect near shrines each warring nation personally created. Of course, it's not like the emperor will actually admit he leveled half of an Orcish city and made everything worse upon seeing a newly revealed mining spot...


The Sunstone Empire is ruled by an emperor and his group of advisers. Below them lies the nobility, with the commoners beneath them. Interestingly, the empire has abolished slavery because while they made a huge amount of money out of the business, they stopped because it only made them look worse than they actually are in the eyes of other nations.

Public Agenda



The Sunstone Empire benefits from its nearly endless amount of money and resources. Each city is heavily guarded with the highest grade weapons and fortification, along with all the technological advancements that allow living in a messy continent like Aestus to be very safe.
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories


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