Itsi Flower

This article is an entry to World Anvil Summer Camp 2022.

It answered the prompt: "A recently discovered, or rediscovered, species."
  The Itsi Flower is a newly discovered species of edible plant native to Niea. It is named for the explorer and chef who first discovered and ate the flower, Itsifa. The taste of the flower petals are floral and subtly fruity, while the leaves have a refreshingly green taste. The Itsi Flower produces an orange fruit similar to a rosehip which is also edible, and tastes citrus-like.  


The Itsi Flower is a branching bush with dark green foliage and variegated flowers. The stems of each branch are covered in tiny hairs. The hairs have no known usage, and do not irritate the skin. The leaves of the plant appear in bunches of seven on each stem, and are odd pinnately compound.
The plant as a whole can reach up to 1 meter in height. Branches, on the other hand, will only make up 3/4ths of the total plant height, with the bottom fourth being a small trunk.


The Itsi Flower has been searched for and harvested since its discovery as an edible plant. It is beginning to be cultivated as a source of food by the survivors of Pardisa, who have made Niea their home. Although the nutritional content of the flowers and leaves have yet to be fully analyzed, they provide a sense of fullness to the hungry.


The Itsi Flower produces its flowers once a year in autumn. Only one flower is produced per branch. After pollination, the flowers wither and the branch enters a dormancy period that lasts until the temperatures reach about 7°C. The plants revive and begin producing their small, orange fruits after those temperatures are reached.
Itsi Flowers sprout after 12 days of incubation. They remain seedlings until 3 months of age. After 3 months, they begin shedding their leaves and regrowing into their adult foliage. Most Itsi Flowers produce fruit in their first year.
Scientific Name
Sacae itsifa
Average Height
1 meter
Discovered by

Cover image: Sagitta Epsilon Header by Moonflower with Canva


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Jul 19, 2022 07:22 by Barbarossa Sparklebeard

This is a fascinating article! I cannot wait to see more about it as you develop it. I hope you add more about its uses and how it can be cultivated because this plant seems really cool!

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