Castle Watchman of Ileduvant [WASC2020]
The castle watchman of Bilder von are the members of the royal army that patrol the castle walls that surround the royal castle in the capital city. These watchman are made up of semi-trained youth who are seeking for a better life off of the farms of the countryside. Most of the watchman have a similar story to tell. They were the second or third son of a large family who would not inherit their father's farm or flocks. They wanted to seek out their own destiny and came to the city. While there always places to work as an uneducated hired hand, specifically in the docs, it was very desirable to be able to be a member of the castle watchman.
Frequently the castle watchman are the newer recruits in the royal army. It is not a glamorous position to be a member of the castle watchman, however it is a great place to prove your loyalty to King and country and demonstrate hard work and skill to the military leaders. When not on duty on the castle wall, the watchmen are given basic education in reading and writing and also training in military tactics. Those who prove themselves adept are able to then rise up the ranks of the castle watchman and eventually find positions in other divisions of the royal army.
The castle watchman is divided into smaller platoons that cover different watches, and different portions of the castle wall. The newest of recruits are given the positions along the wall that walk to ensure that no one approaches the castle walls unseen. Of course the newest recruits are given the worst assignments in the night. If they survive those shifts and duties they are moved to the day watch. Upon completing and basic training and ready for leadership they are sent back to the night watch to be the leaders of those patrols.
After being a leader of the night patrol, there are advancements in running the the gates where people enter and exit the castle compound and also the stations that are dotting the nearly mile-long circumference that surrounds the castle courtyard.
The culture of the castle watchman is greatly influenced by those who are in the watchman. These are the newest recruits. These are those who are the most uneducated. While it is an honor to be a member of the castle watchman, it is not a great bragging point to talk about in larger company out in the surrounding villages. Many of the castle watchman are either up-and-coming soldiers who wish to prove themselves or they are the lazier of the soldiers who do just enough not to wash out of the watchman division. There is often conflict between the ambitious and those who wish to see the status quo.
There is no known public agenda for the castle watchman as they are not politically knowledgeable or understand city life well enough to have such an agenda. As these are often young men who grew up in the country who are coming to seek a better life in the big city, they are often seen as common country folk possibly naïve but easily impressed and persuaded to join other people's agendas. The highest leadership of the castle watchman, usually older soldiers who are past their prime, try to watch out to make sure that no undue influence outside the normally apolitical nature of the castle watchman unduly influences these young men into either inappropriate behavior or two something that is unbecoming the rank and nobility of all soldders.
As a smaller division in the Army and not requiring many battlements, there are few assets directly given to the castle watchman there are simple uniforms, sword shields and pole arms depending on their specific assignment for their their duties. The greatest assets that are given to the castle watchman is the room and board that is provided to them within the castle walls. There are barracks that housed the watchman. There are even semi private or private quarters depending on the leadership position with in the division. A large mess hall is available to the castle watchman separate from the royal kitchens, but still well-stocked and well provisioned.
The main cook in the mess hall is a kindly motherly individual who sees all of the new recruits of the watchman as "her boys." She is often the best thing that some of these boys with rougher backgrounds have as a mother figure. She is the "good cup" to the leaderships and drill sergeants "bad cop." While not formally trained, her experience with these impressionable youth has made her a better counselor then one could find in many of the castle court.
The castle watchman have a long history ever since the battlements were first built around the castle of ill Duval.
Military, Army Division
Alternative Names
The Watchmen
Training Level
Veterancy Level