Vnushka Repka Character in Ruslavia | World Anvil

Vnushka Repka (Noosh-ka Rep-ka)

Vnushka Repka

Vnushka Repka, a horticulture Alchemist and Druid, is working on the secret of Giant Vegetables, in order to ensure the armies of the Tzar are well-fed the next time they inevitably go to war. She has already managed to create a single Giant Turnip, but has not yet been able to reliably replicate her results.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vnushka Repka has been working on Giant Vegetable technology, and has received a grant from the University of Ketterzan to continue her research. Although she was successful in permanently enlarging a single Turnip, her ignorance as to why the results have been irreplicable has led her down a path of torturing Taiga Giants and creating hulking, overengorged Leshy creatures, many of whom don't have the energy to function as such gigantic creatures.
Although Vnushka Repka is being funded by the University of Ketterzan, she is working as an independent researcher. The university almost certainly knows that she is conducting harmful experiments, particularly on the Taiga Giants (who she is harvesting to better understand what makes them large), but since she is an independent contractor the university has covered their position in the unlikely event of scandal.
Vnushka Repka is fully aware that her funding will be cut if she does not produce a steady stream of results, so she is making increasingly more reckless decisions with how she conducts her research than she would probably have resorted to under less pressured circumstances.
Challenge Rating
CR 6
Neutral Evil (although she considers herself True Neutral)
Current Status
Researching the secret of Giant Vegetables
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1316 137 Years old
Milky green, but they are normally hidden behind her goggles.
Long and wavy evergreen locks with brighter green highlights, pulled back into a bushy ponytail.
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
Ruled Locations