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Sune is worshipped as the deity of beauty, music, love, and pleasure. The Cult of the Lady Firehair is dedicated to creating beauty in the world through art, music, and personal appearance.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Sune can only be said to be popular within Thaxnoria as a part of the Faith of the Octurn. Sune is particularly prominent within the Crownlands, Guildlands, and Ardenals.

Tenets of the Faith

Sune is worshiped as a deity of beauty, music, love, and pleasure. The Cult of the Lady Firehair is dedicated to creating beauty in the world be that through art, music, or their personal appearance. Sects of the cult have been known to devolve into hedonism, seeking out new pleasures for enjoyment and the belief that pleasure brings one closer to Sune. The faithful of Sune believe that beauty, art, music, and pleasure are all ways to connect to the deity and bring joy and happiness to the world.


Temples solely to Sune are places of joy, music, art as well as worship. Temples dedicated to the Lady Firehair are typically ostentatious in their display and architecture.


The priests of the Cult of Sune are known for creating art, acting as patrons for promising talents, and by investing in merchants who bring luxuries to far-off places that have never seen satin or tasted a luscious wine. They are often seen as hedonistic, and some sects have devolved into little more than pleasure cults.

Depictions of the Deity

Sune is often depicted as a beautiful red-haired woman, with a serene and peaceful expression.


Singers of Passion are an artistic and religious organisation dedicated to the deity Sune and art associated with the deity. The Singer of Passion help find donors and patrons for their painters, writers, playwrights, musicians, and bards, as well as serving as a forum to participants and receive feedback. The Singers also work to seek out worthy stories to create art about, this leads a number of members to take up adventuring to create truly epic works of art.
Titles: Lady Firehair, the Lady of Love, the Princess of Passion   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil   Symbol: Face of a beautiful red-haired woman   Domains: Life, Light
Religious, Organised Religion

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