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Illmater (Ill-martyr)

Illmater is a deity of suffering, martyrdom, perseverance, compassion, and endurance.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Illmater is particularly prominent throughout the Free States and the Yhess Kingdoms, although worship to the deity is outlawed in the latter.

Tenets of the Faith

Illmater is a deity of suffering, martyrdom, perseverance, compassion, and endurance. The Cult of Illmater, as a general rule, does not revere suffering and pain instead they seek to heal or ease it. There are however, fringe sects of the Cult of Illmater who see pain and suffering as an act of worship in of itself, and seek to cause pain to themselves and others. The Cult of Illmater is particularly prominent throughout the Free States and the Yhess Kingdoms, although worship to the deity is outlawed in the latter.   The Cult of Illmater has gained prominence during the suffering of the Age of Blood. The numbers of those who worship the Rack-Broken Lord has waned only slightly in the last five hundred years. The Cult of Illmater is renowned throughout the known world, even where the deity is not actively worshiped, for their compassion and generosity. The Cult of Illmater position themselves within cities, towns, and villages to care for the sick and infirm and try to make the world a more caring place. The priests of Illmater do all they can to use their powers to heal and protect the weak. The Cult is strongly supportive of the oppressed and downtrodden.   The Cult of the Rack-Broken Lord is a centralized faith with the Church of Illmater domaining the faith. The Temple of the Martyred Ones stands as a beacon of the faith, with the head of the faith the Living Martyr residing within. The Cult is highly hierarchical with its doctrine prescribed by the Living Martyr. The temples to Illmater are strangely ostentatious for a faith dedicated to the poor and downtrodden, although these temples are covered in wealth they are used to house the homeless, treat the sick, and care for the poor.   The faithful of Illmater are known to take up roles as traveling to heal the sick on the roads, or as medics following armies. These wandering priests have been known to join with adventurers or armies, help those they travel with and the opposing forces, as they do not distinguish between those who need help. It is generally held that it is taboo to harm a priest of Illmater as they go about their duties, such as when they administer to the wounded on a battlefield. The taboo is so strongly felt among the humanoid races that only the most evil do not respect the custom. Even orcs and goblinoids will avoid directly attacking a peaceful priest of Ilmater, as long as the priest administers to their fallen warriors as well.


Temples to Illmater are strangely ostentatious for a faith dedicated to the poor and downtrodden, but they are used to house the homeless, treat the sick, and care for the poor. The Cult of Illmater is highly centralized with the Church of Illmater domaining the faith. The Temple of the Martyred Ones stands as a beacon of the faith, with the head of the faith, the Living Martyr, residing within.


The priests of Illmater are known for their compassion and generosity. They position themselves in cities, towns, and villages to care for the sick and infirm, and try to make the world a more caring place. They use their powers to heal and protect the weak, and are strongly supportive of the oppressed and downtrodden. They are also known to travel and heal the sick on the roads or as medics following armies, and it is generally considered taboo to harm them while they are administering to the wounded on a battlefield.

Depictions of the Deity

Illmater, the Rack-Broken, is oft depicted male humanoid so thin and emaciated that his ribs and other bones are keenly viable. He is also often depicted as injured, bleeding, and with his the tendons from his arms binding him.


Enduring Penitents are a monastic religious order dedicated to healing the weak and the deity Illmater. Members of the Penitents travel throughout Runetalras seeking to help those they come across.
Titles: The Crying God, the Rack-Broken Lord, He Who Endures   Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral   Symbol: Pair of white hands bound with red cord   Domains: Life, Order, Peace
Religious, Organised Religion

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