Session 6: Night Terrors and Warlords Report Report in Runehammer | World Anvil
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Session 6: Night Terrors and Warlords Report

General Summary

2:11 AM, 22nd of October, 1916 P.M.E, The Runeweald, Astrakain

The party is waylaid by sickly pale creatures in the night. One of which seems to have killed Rorothim and taken his skin, living among(sus) the party before attacking Romgo in his sleep.
The pallid creature turns its cold gaze towards you. Its eyes are like endless pools of darkness. Its pale body is half covered by the shedding skin of Rorothim. A long purple tongue hangs out of its circular maw. With staggering speed, it moves off of Romgo and starts to dash toward you. Its movements leave a trail of inky blackness that quickly dissipates into the surrounding air.
Jordis quickly alerts the party, who then hastily grab their weapons and prepare themselves to fight. Two more of the creatures enter the party's camp from the surrounding darkness. Mores, Jordis, and Gotrek try desperately to save Romgo, but the creature delivers a mortal wound before they managed to neutralize it. Two of the three creatures are slain. Ezekiel tracks the last one to a frozen creek just south of the camp and kills it swiftly. The body of the creature melts into a thick black ichor which quickly soaks into the surrounding snow leaving behind five crimson coins.   Upon returning to the camp it is discovered that Goswin and Gelmir both found five crimson coins as well. Orimnok begins digging the graves for both Rorothim and Romgo. Gotrek stoically returns to his tent. Mores and Khagmadog join Orimnok and spend the remainder of the night digging graves. 
You wake up from whatever sleep you've managed to get. A mild wind blows over the mountains from the east and down into the valley below. Light snow falls slowly from the grey overcast sky. Gotrek sits by the fire, sharpening his blade with a whetstone. Each motion is performed with increasing authority and focus. Broldrig is across from him pouring a cup of freshly brewed coffee from the kettle that hangs above the fire. Orimnok is off to the side kneeling above two shallow graves, holy symbol clutched in his right hand and raised to his forehead. Deathly still, a half-inch layer of snow has formed on his pauldrons. Gelmir watches the dwarf from afar with a melancholy look on his face. Broldrig moves from the fire to his tent. He reaches into his rucksack and produces a lute. As he slowly walks toward Orimnok he stars down at the lute and lets out a half chuckle which morphs into a sad smile. He puts one hand on the shoulder of the cleric and gently rests the lute down in the left grave.
Khagmadog performs a ritual to guide the spirits of Rorothim and Romgo through the gates of Kelemvor and towards Dwarfhome in the plane of Arcadia. During his ritual, he enters a trance in which he appears in a long hall of pillared stone, at the end of the immense hall is a throne with a regal dwarf sitting atop it. When Khagmadog blinks he is suddenly transported directly in front of the throne. He sits above Khagmadog, his eyes fixed on the cleric and his mouth sewn shut. Khagmadog kneels before the figure as he rises from his throne. A golden disc engraved with two entangled dragons is placed in Khagmadog's hand. As Khagmadog raises his head to see what he has been given he reappears in the material plane, kneeling above the graves of his dead companions. As a weaponsmith, Khagmadog recognizes this disc to be a pommel. He attaches it to the hilt of Moradin's hammer and the two weapon components are immediately and permanently bound.     After coffee and breakfast the party ventures towards the mouth of the Butcher's Basin where they see the large war camp that blocks the bridge. A Kobold force of about 100 marches out of the encampment and into the forest to the west. The party takes advantage of the exodus and attacks the encampment head-on. The sentries are dispatched with an icy explosion from Jordis and a volley of arrows and hellfire from Ezekiel and Llobh. The party pushes into the encampment where they face off against a large force of Kobolds, a Mongrelman Cleric of Auril, and a Frost Giant who is referred to as "the great cold one". After suffering significant wounds the party manages to defeat the remnants of the encampment. Ezekiel was knocked unconscious by the frost giant. Orimnok rushed to his aid and healed him with a cure spell.  


  • Creatures in the night attack the party
  • One of the creatures used Rorothim's skin to disguise itself
  • The disguised creature kills Romgo
  • The party kills two of the three creatures
  • One runs away, the PCs and Gotrek track it down and finished the job
  • The party gets 5 Crimson Denars as the creature melts into a black ichor
  • Upon returning to the camp Goswin and Gelmir have also found 5 Crimson Denars each
  • Mores, Khagmadog, and Orimnok stay up all night preparing graves for the Rorothim and Romgo
  • In the morning Khagmadog performs a ritual to guide the dwarves souls to Dwarfhome in Arcadia
  • During his ritual, he enters a trance in which he meets Dumathoin, who presents him with a gift, the Pommel of Moradin's hammer
  • The party then moves toward the war camp at the mouth of the butcher basin
  • It appears a force of about a hundred Kobolds have left the camp to march west into the woods
  • The sentries are skillfully slain by the party
  • An all-out assault is launched on the camp as the party wades through kobold warriors and engage in battle with a mongrelman cleric of Auril and a frost giant
  • The party successfully clears the camp sustaining heavy wounds, but no casualties.

Rewards Granted

  • Pommel of the Hammer of Moradin
  • 5 Crimson Denars
  • 1947 XP Each
Ezekial Thrakk
Jordis Drianska
Llobh Gnaagmurr
Mores Potem
Player Journals
Night Terrors then onto the Encampment by Jordis Drianska
Report Date
01 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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