Faction/Race Relations in Runara | World Anvil
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Faction/Race Relations

Elderkin Relations

The Wolvs

The Elderkin don't like the Wolvs very much at all ever since The Elder Wolven War, if they're let in at all into the Elder's Domain, they aren't very much welcomed.

The Grove

While The Grove haven't really done anything to them, and aren't connected to them by land, the Elderkin don't trust them at, especially because they worship a false god in their eyes.

Wolven Relations

The Elderkin

The Wolvs don't really like the Elderkin all that much, esspically after The Elder Wolven War, which had a large amount of casualites on the Wolven side, they don't hate them as much as they hate them, so they are generally tolerated by most Wolvs, and in most Wolven territories.

The Grove

The Wolvs don't really care about The Grove, while their leader is a Wolvs, they don't even live on the same contienent as them so they aren't really their problem, but they are still creeped out by them.

Groven Relations

The Elderkin

The Elderkin aren't really of importance to The Grove at the moment, but they do worship a false god to them, so they aren't on the best of terms.

The Wolvs

The Grove's leader is a Wolvs , so they seem to favor them slightly, but haven't made much contact with them yet.


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