Elderkin Species in Runara | World Anvil
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A dragon-esc race hailing from the Elder's Domain, and presumably descending from the Elder.

Basic Information


Dragon Humanoids with scales, horns, and tails, no wings though.

Genetics and Reproduction

Normal human-like reproduction except for the fact that they do lay eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

Thrives in hot areas, but can survive in more modest temperatures, however the cold can be very dangerous for them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat mostly meat, often boars hunted from the badlands.

Biological Cycle

They shed once a year.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a telepathic link with The Elder.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

They are often either wearing armor or some sort of fabric coverings, but oftentimes they don't wear pants or shirts unless it's under armor, instead opting for robes and loose cloth.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Their culture revolves around The Elder the being from which they presumably descended, and the being that is their king. A lot of their words are in relation to The Elder (I.E. Elderkin, Elder's den, Elder's Domain), and they have many traditions relating to appeasing the elder.
Average Height
5.5' to 6.5'


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