The Grove (Organization) Organization in Runara | World Anvil
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The Grove (Organization)

The Grove is the organization of elders controlling the area of the same name, The Grove, as well as The Grown.


At the top there is The Grown, and under him are elders who control various settlements.

Public Agenda

They have a very simple agenda, expand The Grove, and spread the Growth Spores.


Five settlements spread throughout The Grove.


The history of the organization starts when The Grown had spread Growth Spores to his first four deciples, who became the elders who rule today.

Demography and Population

Every member is infected with/has The Growth.


Just The Grove.


Their only military is the guards and expansion forces, but the townspeople will join in the fight if necessary.

Technological Level

They are slightly less technologically advanced than other organizations, probably due to their connection to nature.


They all worship The Grown.

Foreign Relations

Basically every other government or group is at least wary of them, or outright dislikes them. They have no allies.

Agriculture & Industry

They grow many different kinds of plants and have a few mines but other than that, that's all the industry they have, they do not export any goods.

Trade & Transport

They transport good throughout The Grove, and occasionally out to their other camps, via caravans with pack beasts. They don't trade with other peoples unless a specific merchant goes out to do so.


They have education centers in the settlements.


They have built roads and settlements, as well as a few outposts, but not much else.

Mythology & Lore

They believe that The Grown is holy, and that he came to the planet to purify it of evils and impurities, that he is basically the god of the entire planet.

Divine Origins

It all comes from the word of The Grown, as well as the voices heard when someone is being affected by The Growth.

Cosmological Views

They see most things built by the various races as a scar on the planet, and that only things created by and/or sanctioned by The Grown are okay and holy, as well as nature.

Tenets of Faith

They all follow the teachings and commands of The Grown and the voices from The Growth.


They never directly harm nature, but they have no qualms with harming anyone or anything seen as unnatural or "unholy.


They pray every day to The Grown, and plant special herbs in his honor. They also have a tradition when they die pledging their corpses to him as a sacrifice to the spore that grows upon them, so it may grow and continue the expansion of The Grove.


The "priests" are the elders appointed by The Grown, and are seen as basically avatars of The Grown, and are listened to and respected as such.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The governors (elders, The Grown  are inherently a part of the "religion".
Founding Date
9970 TE
Geopolitical, Tribe
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
They mostly use different minerals or other natural resources as currency, as they do not have an official currency.
Major Exports
They do not export anything.
Major Imports
They do not import anything as an organization, although some times caravans are sent out to go get supplies.
Legislative Body
The Grown, and his elders.
Judicial Body
Various guards throughout the land.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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