The Grove Geographic Location in Runara | World Anvil
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The Grove

The Grove is a very over grown jungle area in the bottom right corner of the Magic Forest, inhabited mostly by people infected with The Growth. A border is dividing the Magic Forest and The Grove, and within it are various settlements and a capital city of sorts, with The Grown's throne at the center of it, inside a church like building.


It is hilly with lots of tall jungle trees and vines.

Fauna & Flora

It is the only place where Growth Spores grow, and they are found scattered throughout the land, appearing to help and intensify the growth of the forest/jungle, almost all plants and animals are either straight up new or changed versions of those found in the Magic Forest, and almost everything found within The Grove wasn't there before 50 years ago.

Natural Resources

It has lots of wood, vines, and some minerals.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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