Rushlight Geographic Location in Ruling a Fairly Tale Kingdom | World Anvil


Rushlight: A small lake only a dozen or so miles north of barbarian-ruled Pitax, Lake Rushlight has a dichotomous reputation for both good and terrible luck. The lake takes its name from the strange and seemingly natural lights that regularly f licker across its surface, eerie f lames of green and blue that f lash into life, cut wavering paths over the water, and then vanish. By day, the pale lights prove difficult to see, though occasionally a f lash of color blooms with special brilliance and streaks across the water like a falling star. Witnessing such “daylights” is said to bring good luck. At night, though, the lights become far easier to see, illuminating the water with a spectral glow. It is said that those who look upon these colors risk being hypnotized and coaxed by the weird spirits of the lake to enter the water and drown amid the f lames. A small island also f loats near the center of the unusually deep lake, covered in stands of hemlock, dense shrubs, and tall reeds. A strange breed of slight egrets lives here, which possess beautiful rainbow plumage. These rushlight egrets are rarely captured, though, as they are disquietingly still and silent, rarely blink, and are said to scream like women when slain.
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