Mount Branthlend Geographic Location in Ruling a Fairly Tale Kingdom | World Anvil

Mount Branthlend

Mount Branthlend: From amid a cloak of low, forested mountains and high hills rises Mount Branthlend, the Peak of Broken Promises. Distinctive not for its incredible height—though it does stand as the largest in the surrounding Branthlend range—but for its barren summit, the mountain rises like a bald pate upon a monk’s head. Reaching a height of more than 5,000 feet, the mountain’s knob-like pinnacle of stark white stone stands completely bare, except for some particularly tenacious scrub and a few standing snags and windfalls along the forested rim some 450 feet below. Kellid tales claim that Noarra, the f irst love of the barbarian lord Tagran, wailed curses from this peak after the warlord took another woman as his queen, and that amid a storm of stone and f ire the peak was scoured and she was transformed into the blade-scaled dragon that legendarily rampaged across eastern Numeria. This fantastic myth draws desperate souls from across Numeria and the River Kingdoms to Mount Branthlend’s peak even today, where rumors claim that frightening and ancient powers of darkness and f ire pay oaths of vengeance special heed.
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