Canlesiz Species in Romnuchic | World Anvil
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The main sentient species on the planet of Romnuchic.

Basic Information


Canlesiz are humanoid in nature, with a similar biological structure, minus the reproductive system. Their average height and muscle mass (and subsequent weight) are more than an average human. The skeletal structure is very sturdy, built to carry the weight and height of the species. Their skin is very thick, built to protect against physical and magical attacks. Their resistance to cold and heat is also much larger.

Biological Traits

Different Canlesiz have different brands of magic they can use (fire, water, etc), but other than that, most Canlesiz are fairly similar. People with different abilities have some physical differences between them, mostly hair color/style and slight muscle difference.

Genetics and Reproduction

Canlesiz don't have a reproductive system like humans do - instead, children are "born" from flowers. These flowers are about the size of a 15 year old human, with a smaller flower inside that serves as a sort of umbilical cord system. Once the Canles is born, the petals of the larger flower fall away and the small flower begins to produce seeds around ten years later. These seeds can either be planted as-is and produce a child of a similar genetic make-up to their singular parent, but two flowers placed close to each other will start magically sharing genetics, which allows for genetic diversity in the seeds. The children born from those seeds/flowers will have the make-up of both of the parents. This kind of DNA sharing is mostly shared between life partners, either romantic or platonic, but occasionally close friends who aren't life partners will do this. The flowers and the system of genetics sharing is not considered inappropriate by Canlesiz - people will often display the flowers in their homes for decoration. The growth of the Canles in the flower takes about 10 human years, but do not produce a baby, instead producing a child with basic language and skills already ingrained, similar to how giraffes can walk very soon after being born.

Growth Rate & Stages

There are four main life stages - child, adolescent, adult, and elder. Children have a basic intelligence when their born, but this is the stage when their parent(s) are in charge of teaching them both the rules of society and the skills they'll need to know to survive. School is not a requirement in most settlements, although many richer families will send their children to them. Adolescence is when the focus on knowledge wanes and the focus on athletics begins. Because the magical government system of Romnuchic includes fighting - and the streets and forests of the lands are often quite dangerous - being athletically fit is very important. The schools will often switch from normal class lessons to gym classes and fighting lessons during this time. The Canles is "officially" an adult at around 20 human years, but their brains aren't done maturing until around 23. Canlesiz often separate from their parents at this time. Many go into jobs, but almost as many become adventurers or explorers, joining guilds to help them along their way. When a Canles becomes an elder, they become less physically fit, and their mental state decreases slightly, but most elders remain fairly healthy and active until they die. Their magic also tends to weaken during this time, and a few years before their death, their magic will disappear altogether.

Ecology and Habitats

The natural body heat of a Canles is higher than that of a human's, so they prefer warmer climates, although they can stand very high and very low temperatures. Canlesiz are naturally inclined for hunting and gathering, even in the present day, so they often thrive in places where there are plenty of plants and animals for them to eat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Canlesiz are omnivores, and even in the present day they enjoy gathering their own food. They require meat in order to survive, not just protein that can be provided from other sources, so vegetarianism isn't really a thing. Besides, large companies with factories for meat don't really exist either - restaurants hunt their own food, and Canlesiz will often also hunt on their own. They will also eat berries, fruits, vegetables, and other foraged goods from the forests in between settlements.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure highly depends on the settlement that the Canles lives in, but often stronger and more magically inclined Canlesiz are held in higher regard in society. Those with more money are held in slightly higher regard, although less so than in a normal human society, as money isn't really considered the most important thing.

Facial characteristics

With a humanoid face structure, Canlesiz have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears, along with eyebrows. Ears are larger than a human's, but only slightly. The eyes also tend to be wider.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Canlesiz have spread all across the planet, with the highest concentration being on the continent of Alpha, since that's both where the species started out and where the four biggest cities on the planet are.

Average Intelligence

Canlesiz are very intelligent creatures, having created a spoken language within the first "year" of their creation and a written language in the first 50.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Certain Canlesiz are more perceptive than others, but all have magic, although it differs from person to person. There are six main types of magic - fire, water, plants, rocks/ground, poison, and light/dark. Genetic mutations can cause other types of magic, and two people with different powers can also create a child with new powers (fire + rock = lava, for example).

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names always have two or more syllables, and no last names.

Major Organizations

The Guild of Six is a notable organization on Romnuchic, although it's almost more symbolic than anything. It's a type of council made up of the six rulers of the Original Six's settlements. They meet every year at the beginning of the cold season to discuss how the world in general is doing, and then they host a dance the next day for the leaders of the settlements. There is only one large religious group, due to the nature of the goddess who created Romnuchic in the first place, and they're called Rolanaz. They worship the goddess Olana and believe in Limbo (a place someone goes before the afterlife if they've committed bad deeds on Romnuchic to determine if they can be redeemed).

Beauty Ideals

Traditional beauty standards don't exist on Romnuchic, as beauty isn't held in the high regard that it is on Earth. "Beauty," in it's traditional sense, isn't even a concept Canlesiz are very familiar with. The only thing similar is how stronger (more muscular) people are viewed in some communities as more desirable.

Relationship Ideals

Love isn't as pressured or saturated in the media on Romnuchic, so many people only have the relationships of their parents to go by. The ideals often vastly differ from settlement to settlement, ranging from very romantic to very platonic (some are considered "more stable" than others in certain settlements or cultures). As sex isn't a thing with Canlesiz, relationships are purely about spending the rest of your life with someone who makes you happy, which effects the dating process quite a lot.

Average Technological Level

Technology is a weird thing when it comes to Canlesiz, as they don't technically have much of it. Magic is a form of technology, and it is used to do many things that would require a modern technology that they do not have, such as washing machines and electric lights. If you removed the magic, their technology is limited, around the same level of medieval Europe.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Due to the odd nature of the Canlesiz creation and how their society was constructed, only one language is spoken across all four continents, and that is Uchicamer. However, accents are very common, as the original six Canlesiz often bickered over how words should be pronounced and taught their ancestors whatever way they thought was correct.

Common Dress Code

Because of their lack of reproductive organs, modesty does not exist on Romnuchic. They originally began wearing clothing to protect them from the elements and animals. Certain settlements and cultures have particular wardrobes that date back to their older traditions. However, the areas that would have held reproductive organs on a human are just more sensitive areas of skin on Canlesiz (similar to how the palms of hands and the bottoms of feet are sensitive), they are often covered anyways, just to protect them. In richer areas, especially ones in larger cities, it's considered formal dress to cover sensitive areas such as the chest area and the palms of hands, but this is the only place where something like this exists.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Harvest Festival is a very well-observed tradition, and maybe even the most popular, with it's popularity coming close to what Christmas is on Earth. Birthdays are less extravagant, but still important, as it's, you know, a birthday. "Deathdays" are also celebrated, although with less joy and more remembrance for the dead loved one. The annual dance hosted by the six leaders of the original settlements is a fun tradition for other rulers, but it's not commonly celebrated as the guest list is fairly limited.


Canlesiz started off with just six of their species (The Original Six), but they quickly expanded across the planet. Thankfully, there haven't been many wars that including fighting, but the first "world war" is currently looming on the horizon. There have, however, been many, MANY times where certain settlements or continents have refused to trade resources with each other for one reason or another. In fact, this has happened so many times that rules are popping up in certain places that specific resources cannot be withheld from a specific settlement unless it is being withheld from all.

Common Myths and Legends

Canlesiz have a very good record system, as they created a written language very soon after settling down in their own communities, but a few myths and legends have persisted over the years, specifically centering around the personalities of the Original Six and the things they did outside of their settlements. Some legends exist about creatures that roam the more unexplored areas of the planet - mile-long lizards with swirling tongues and poisonous saliva slithering through the underwater caves of the Coranok Sea, large wood wolves with expansive leathery wings stalking in the forests, tiny creatures with button noses stealing flower bulbs. Myths of people also float around, mysterious tales of Canlesiz who had powers above what had been seen before. But which legends are true and which are false is a mystery in of itself.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Canlesiz do have pets, but it's not exactly like the situation we have here on Earth. It's more like a friendship rather than a family. These pets have their own agency and are often allowed to wander the streets on their own (very few Canlesiz have "indoor pets" as we do) without any tags or identification other than their names, which are printed on tags that are strung around the creature's legs, above the foot. There aren't any other sapient species on Romnuchic that the Canlesiz know about, but many discussions have been held in various meetings about what the population as a whole should do if an intelligent species should arise. Most of these discussions end with the decision to show respect and offer friendship to the other species.
Genetic Descendants
500 human years
Average Height
5"8 - 6'7" ft.
Average Weight
120 - 240 lbs.
Average Physique
They are very muscular creatures, which is why healthier ones weigh more than a human of their age and height would be, and most have a healthy weight, although obesity does exist in some circles and settlements.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin color of Canlesiz vary from Canles to Canles, and you can see the color before the child is born in the roots of the flower. Markings also exist, including freckles, but they're more varied, and can include stripes (usually singular), circles, and swirls. These are basically birthmarks, but are just a darker shade of the skin.

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Aug 25, 2018 22:05

În my native language "child from flowers "it's am expression taste means " a child how was want "(a child made by "accident ") P.S. I like your creativity

Aug 29, 2018 16:52

Thank you!