Roleplay radio: strixhaven Strixhaven: Year 2 Timeline
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Strixhaven: Year 2

Our second year at Strixhaven

  • 7 Tevnember 4466
    Return to Strixhaven Campus
    Scientific achievement

    Episode 1: Roommate and Old Mates
    Everyone returns to Strixhaven for the start of year two.

  • 11 Tevnember 4466
    First day of year 2
    Scientific achievement

    Episode 2: Peers and Professors
    Class begins and rivalries start to show.

  • 18 Tevnember 4466
    B Squad Tryouts
    Gathering / Conference

    Episode 4: The Tryouts
    The Vice Captain oversees student tryouts for the new extracurricular.

  • 27 Tevnember 4466
    Mission: Save the Dryads
    Military: Battle

    Episode 5: The Garbage King
    The F Squad finds the creature that's been harassing the dryads, along with a certain special book...

  • 12 Golgar 4466
    Mission: Lore of Larue

    Episode 9: The Swim
    The F Squad takes a trip into a book to stop creatures from spilling out of it.