Issue #5: Lesson at the Lecture Hall in Roleplay Radio: Strixhaven | World Anvil
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Issue #5: Lesson at the Lecture Hall

The Varsity Knights head to the underground tunnels to confront Doctor Lecture once and for all.    

The Varsity Knights: Cast

  • Diego De la Torre: Unwilling social outcast forever changed by the city's polluted waters.
    • Camaleón/Chameleon: Inhuman hero with the ability to become materials he touches, as long as that material isn't living.

  • Kitty Carmichael: Class co-president, dance team captain, star student, and model citizen.
    • Ricochet: Masked hero with kinetic displacement abilities. Only two people know Ricochet's real identity.

  • Nell Eklund: Affable and somewhat oblivious, Nell's main goal in life is to make friends.
    • Hati: Mythical hero chosen as the moon wolf's incarnation. Wields a massive axe with a crescent-shaped blade.

  • Tyson Wilder: Pre-teen orphan with a troubled past and something to prove.
    • Spektor: Ghost-themed hero with powerful telekinetic abilities. Doesn't seem entirely in control of his powers.

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Release Date
28 June 2023


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