Session 2 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 2

General Summary

The party moved swiftly and purposefully through the temple dungeons. They were here searching for Sir Mangarak and helping the citizens of Shelech whilst they were at it by eradicating a number of evil cultists. Even a well organized temple like this was no match for a group who fought demons for breakfast. They moved quickly through the labyrinth, killing cultists and rescuing prisoners. There was no sign of Sir Mangarak, but they did at least do some good. In the end they decided to leave the search for the renegade knight for another time.   The next morning they set sail, into the deep blue sea. That day a pod of dolphins swam playfully in the ship's wake and the captain told them it was a favourable omen. The captain might have been wrong however, as a few days later a huge storm sprang up and drove the ship far to the south off their course. This took them into the territory of a fearsome sea creature known as a dragon turtle. The first thing they knew about it was when they were hit from below by the huge beast. Fortunately the ship they had hired was an immense size and it was able to withstand such buffeting. So the turtle stuck it's head over the side of the boat and let out a huge blast of boiling steam over some of the group. Tor was badly scolded but Hapchet was not so lucky - he was boiled alive! The group rushed to engage the foe, with Arundel blasting it with lightning and with Flek firing countless arrows into it's exposed head. Tor and Kai rushed to the edge of the ship and pummelled and smote it but the dragon turtle grabbed the half orc in it's massive jaws and dropped back into the sea. Kai took a desperate leap out into the ocean, grabbed the half-orc's boot and instantly teleported to the safety of the ship once more. The dragon turtle, battered, bruised, burnt and deprived of it's meal sank slowly into the seas and escaped. The party breathed a sigh of relief but were upset to find Hapchet had not survived the ordeal.   Arundel took the priest's body and teleported him back to Shelech and carried him to the Temple of Ra, the sun god, aspect of Pelor and god of the priest. After a brief misunderstanding where the priests there thought Arundel was a servant of Set, Hapchet was raised. But he was unwilling to join them further so he paid back the money they had given him. Arundel returned empty handed but at least the party still had a few scrolls of spells that would enable them to communicate with the captain and his crew.   About a week after the dragon turtle incident the captain's lookout reported that he could see land and soon enough the party came into view of a tropical island of sandy white beaches, thick jungle and palm trees, dominated by a huge mountain in the middle. The captain lowered a big skiff and Kai and Flek got into it. Arundel flew along in the shape of a hawk, as he usually did and Duchess Fortuna rode Blade, as she was able to do because he wore magical horseshoes which enabled him to walk on water. Tor donned his cloak of the manta ray and swam.   Half way there the party were surprised when three 20' long crocodiles attacked! One went for Tor in the shape of a big manta ray. Two capsized the skiff. Within seconds the two hugh crocs by the skiff has ripped the two crew men who were rowing it apart. Kai grabbed Flek and dimension doored to the beach, Duchess Fortuna galloped across the waves on Blade an Tor swam at top speed, evading the other crocodile.   Then Arundel decided to change shape into a harpy so he could speak, cast spells and still fly, and dropped to about ten feet above the water. A huge crocodile came leaping out of the water at great speed and snatched the mage in his huge jaws. Fortunately the quick thinking wizard changed shape into a small quick fish and darted away. The huge crocs couldn't keep up and that fish wouldn't make much of a meal anyway.   The group found themselves on a sandy beach with beautiful warm sands. The picturesque scene was broken only by the occasional giant crocodile, sunning itself on the seaside. Arundel flew off and did a reconnaissance of the island, reporting a lake to the south end which had an island on it. They examined their map and saw that the clue written on the map said, "On an island within an island", so they decided to head for there. They encountered a few giant local species of animals tigers, frogs, shambling mounds and even a unique shrieking wyvern before reaching the lake in the middle of the island. This was easy to cross and on the island in the lake they found a strange sight.   In the centre of the island was a 30' diameter hole, some 20' deep. It was surrounded by five tall pillars which might have once had runes on them. They were long since worn away. The hole was lined with bright reflecting beads and in the centre was a single ruby around which were written a cryptic phrase. As the sun reached it's zenith it struck the ruby and was reflected and refracted magically outwards. The whole of the bead lined depression was heated to super temperatures and anything caught in it was consumed. This magical fire lasted the whole minute that the sun was at it's zenith.   The party passed a few days on the island, trying to figure out how to by pass this trap and get into the resting place of the Globe of Pelor. Finally they figured it out, placing a silver ring in the words inscribed on the floor of the depression around the ruby. This time when the sun reached it's zenith the light was caught and reflected into a rainbow pattern which was projected onto the wall of the depression. Leaving Blade behind, the group jumped in and stepped through the magical portal.   The magical portal led them to a passageway which came to a t-junction. One way led to a door and the other continued off into the distance. They approached the door, hearing evil divine chanting from within. They quickly prepared some spells and then burst the door open! Inside they found the priest Asari who had stolen the Eye of Pelor from his temple all those years ago. He had been cursed with undeath. The room was a temple to some evil 7 armed snake deity and the priest turned, saw the party and all went dark!   Suddenly the room was full of insects, biting and stinging. Duchess Fortuna drew her holy sword and the insects withdrew from her. The group moved swiftly in and began to fight where they thought the undead priest was. They had some small luck in fighting and hitting him in the dark but not too much. Then Arundel cast a light spell and cancelled the magical darkness in the temple and they saw the priest at last. Fortuna rushed forward, calling upon the power of her god, Pelor and struck the evil priest a mighty blow. The sun god Pelor guided Fortuna's strike against his old priest and the head of the undead creature flew from his shoulders. Asari had been brought to justice!   The group collected a few items of magic on the priest's person and continued on, eager to recover the Globe of Pelor and use it for good...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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